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Posts posted by nightsky256

  1. i think we have to wait for a new firmware release and load the US-JP version instead of the european one...

    any of you knows if it's already possible to find a non-eu firmware release for S2xx ?

    another solution is to buy a couple of earbuds more sensitive

    i tried with the Sennehiser MX-450 (113dB SPL at 16Ohms) and it sounds louder

    next days i will try a creative in-ear model that have an higher Spl level.

    and if the volume limit is an hardware limit, just like on an old 1997 tape walkman i had, it's possible to short circuit the resistors... but i think it's so stupid and expansive to develop 2 different hardware boards for eu and us-jp....

  2. that's becouse you loaded a non 16-bit 44.1 Khz Mp3 file.

    this player could only play a 16-bit 44.1khz sound. and will not resample other files couse it think that you used sonic stage that converts music before to load it.

    if you hate sonic stage like me before to transfert convert the mp3 files to 16bit 44.1Khz VBR bitrate (V2 setting on lame that's a very high quality sound)

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