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  • PlayStation Network ID
    NW-E105, NWE005F, NW-S705F
  • Sony Products I Own
    MDR-V250, MDR-NC22

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  1. kikimimi

    nw-e103 problems...

    I have this old nw-e103 with mp3fm (I don't like Sonic Stage), and I transfer files that were encoded from lame mp3 encoder, and I can transfer the file without any problems, but when I turn on the player, it displays "cannot play". Is there any other encoder that would work?
  2. Right now I want a good Sony player by the end of the year. Canada only has the NWZ-A81x and the NWS-61x series. Which one would you say is better? Or should I wait longer for a better player? Thanks
  3. I was exagerating about the engineering thing. However, if you do get another extention cable, but off the little thing in the way. I think it's just a metal piece mounted on the plastic, not that hard.
  4. Trust me, I tried it before. Most earphone will not even work unless you solder on the wires. Even then, after you solder it, insulate it, because the connection is not clean, it will sound like a dollarstore headphone (The music becomes extreamly unclear). I certainly hope you bought this for the sound quality of it. Even then, you could just always keep an extra dollar store earphones around you.
  5. Try a different computer as said above, make it a good computer at that (above 1GHz, 256mb of RAM). If that works, then it's your PC's problem. When Sonicstage has problem with PC, it is most likely that your PC is too slow, maybe reformat as it could be a software problem, since it worked before. If using different computer doesn't work, go to the local Sonystore and seek advice. Here in Canada, if that happens, they will exchange it.
  6. Go to settings (to get there, hold onto the little button along the sides of the player), initialize, and format the thing on the player. I also want to hear some results if it works .
  7. Yes, and the funny thing is. As I said, every earphone and headphone (the large ones) that I used so far (Pannasonic, Bose, Koss, Philips, and Sony that you had to buy seperately and did not come with the Mp3 players) had no problem. Only the Sony earphone that was supplied with the Mp3 players had this problem, so I thought it could be a product problem.
  8. Actually no matter what equalizer setting I choose or what piece size I choose this happens. I am sure that this is happening because of the way sound is produced in the earphones. When I say hurt, I mean a very uncomfortable sensation around the eardrumps, and yes, alot of pain around there. It seems you don't have that problem. Maybe it's my ears. This has happened to me in Many different sony earphones that came with the mp3 players before.
  9. For some reason, all of the earphones that came with the Sony MP3 players that I bought hurts my ears. They sound great, but after about 20 minutes, they get extreamly sour. I use any non-sony earphone that I bought seperately, my ears are fine. I can't do this with the NW-s705 though... I love the earphones, but they also hurt. Anyone know the reason?
  10. Actually it is very difficult if you are doing it yourself. Sure it will work, but you will lose alot of sound quality if you do this without a degree in Electrical Engineering.
  11. They said the deal is all over Canada.
  12. Don't know if this was already mentioned, but sony store has some insane prices for the new NW-s7 and NW-s6 series. I bought my 2GB NW-s705F for $129 Canadian, which is around $100 American. This deal is insane, and people should buy one right now. I bought my in Canada's Sony store.
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