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Everything posted by doerthe

  1. Well I get about 5-7 hours.........but I listen to MP3s that have a high bitrate and I have the equaliser set to "heavy".
  2. Hi Matt, why don't you try it out your self, because the terms "slight, major etc." sure are very sujective. Some guys don't notice any difference at all whereas I e.g. always need the highest bitrates and even rather listen to CDs.... Convert one of your favorite songs - copy both versions (MP3, Atrac) to your player and listen to both of them as often as you want to. Then you should be able to notice if the changed quality bothers you.................
  3. I sure won't say that you are not telling the truth, but ist' hard to believe that you don't have any problems. Copy a self made "Best of" CD to your NW and then report again what happenned!!! Or copy a CD that has problems with the database and then say you have no problems. I think that you have only been lucky until now........... I believe that the Japanese will not be that angry because Sony is a Japanese company....................
  4. Reading this wish list makes me sick!!!! Sony should have solved all of this BEFORE selling the damn thing. I've seen a lot - but what Sony is doing with us is going to break their necks. And I hope it does because I'm selling my NW-A1000..........I don't want to see that damn thing any more. Nobody I know wants to buy one after I reported all of the bugs. There are so many other GOOD MP3 players.
  5. Look into Ebay. There you can get plenty of usb adaptors. It doesen't have to be from Sony. All you need is the 5V. I bought one "made in China" for 10 Euros. Works out great. ------------woops, 1 minute too late---------------
  6. doerthe

    MP3 Encoding Help

    You sure won't want to do that!!!! After Sony's big "new Walkman" lie, who knows how long we will still use that word Atrac?
  7. As a Sony fan I hate to say it, but until now I've never experienced that a product (an it's software) was this kind of rubbish.......... Sorry Sony, but you actually would have to pay us all as beta testers. An then that big 20 hours battery lie!!! Who the heck listens to music at level 1................
  8. ....and if you read a bit more about lithium batteries you will find out that they can be charged about 400 times - no matter if they are almost empty or still quite full. So - charge it every day and after one year you can get yourself a new battery.......................
  9. Can I make folders for my a1000 with SonicStage? With Connect I can't even change the names of albums. Is that supposed to be like that?
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