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    Sony NW-A3000B

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  1. Hi, I've recently noticed that some, but not all, of my OMA files that have been ripped in Connect have at some point been duplicated on my PC's hard disc! So for example when I go to an album folder rather than seeing 11 OMA files for the 11 songs on the album, there's 22 with each one being for example "Track 1.oma" and "Track 1(1).oma". And in some cases there are TWO duplicate files! This is really annoying as each copy is obviously full file size, so basically rather than each album taking up an albums worth of my PC's hard disc space some are taking up 2 or 3 albums worth!! Has anyone else experienced this? and if so what should I do to sort it out? I dont want to delete anything without knowing more about it, to make sure I dont delete the wrong version. But also so I can hopefully stop it from carrying on happening. The other reason I'm posting this is because I've noticed a slightly similar problem in Connect itself, which is that for some reason whenever I look at the playlists on my NWA3000 every single one has again, got at least 1 if not 2 identical copies showing! This one's not such a problem as it doesnt show up like this on the NWA3000 itself, but is a bit annoying when trying to edit the playlists etc. So if anyone is able to offer any help or advice at all on either problem or ideally both, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks a lot
  2. daved

    Wish list NW-A3000

    Sony do explain this, either in the manual or on the support website i think. Apparently it's because Windows recognises 1gb different to the player or something...? So it is 20gb, but Windows calculates it as 18.2.... i think i've got that right...
  3. thanks for all the advice! i was about to make a similar topic myself. i was getting a bit worried that my player seems to be dropping battery life really quickly, but having had it for about 2 weeks now i've only actually let it complete a full battery cycle once. i'll be sure to do a full cycle regularly from now on! so far i've just been filling it up as soon as it drops to 3/4 or 1/2!
  4. thanks for the help. i got a new pc today anyway so i can run connect now, which is working fine for me so far. is anyone able to answer my second question about getting the player to display time remaining on a song rather than time elapsed...? i'm guessing it cant?
  5. well the thing is the problem isnt in SS, its on the actual player that a couple of the album have songs in the wrong order. and i was just wondering if i can change this on the player without having to delete then re-upload the albums again!
  6. Hi, I've been the proud owner of a shiny new NWA3000B since Thursday, and so far I love it. Although I'm currently unable to use CONNECT as my PC is rubbish and old, but SonicStage 3.3 is working fine (if veeery slowly). Anyway, I just have a couple of questions about minor issues that I'm hoping someone can help me with. Firstly, is there any way to re-arrange track orders of albums etc once they've been transferred to the player? A couple of my albums seem to have been transferred with some songs in the wrong place, but so far I can't see any way on the player or in SS to re-order them...? I'm hoping there is, cause I don't really fancy having to delete them from the player and re-transfer them in the right order! Secondly, is there any way to display the time remaining rather than time elapsed during playback on the player...? It's not as important as the track ordering thing, but it'd be nice if there's the option to do it. Thanks a lot
  7. you can turn that beeping off by going to the Settings menu option, then BEEP and select Off
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