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Posts posted by JKRashid

  1. cant bloody make atrac/audio cds, bloody hell, sony shitty software, bloody hell!! Sonicstage 4.0 CP is rubbish. Why cant it be like itunes, have your music on up to 5 machines instead of 1, bloody redownload 6 gig of music everytime i get a new pc, bloody hell!!

    I feel a bit screwed by Sony really as i cant switch over to apple/ipod as i cant burn my 120 albums to individual discs so i can use them on itunes/ipod etc. I feel like im being forced to stay with sonicstage/sony walkman. Very unhappy as i got a sony atrac car stereo and cant use it!! man how long have they been trying to sort this software out? I can only stay loyal so long, maybe microsoft will rebuy all my songs for the zune player....

  2. So basically it looks like im gonna have to burn all my 300 albums individually to cd then recode them into mp3 for itunes!, thats gonna take ages. If you got it inatrac then sony basically 95% has you by the balls unless you have a few weeks spare time to recode all your music. i think all my gear is about to go on ebay, shame.

  3. Although im happy with sonicstage and can live without artist link etc, i just got a real bad feeling about how much longer sony can hold out with the atrac format. most of my office/entertainment equipment is sony (ie 4 xblack monitors, walkman, minidisc, psp, camera, key board mouse etc), all my music is in atrac3plus format. seriously thinking of selling all my rig apart from the psp which can play mp3s without the sony software, how hard will it be and how will i convert all my music back to mp3 so i can use it on my new mac and ipod if i get one? I dont want to jump the band wagon, but with constant delays in every department by sony all the time as long as i can remember. As a great brand loyalty customer, im on a very thin line.....

  4. Got an a3000 for christmas, having had a nw-hd1 with sonicstage which worked perfectly. I installed connect and updated the software. I have a few problems, the music i purchase off connect downloads in 132 quality, but i have them transferred to my device in atrac3plus at 64kbit quality. when this is done, i have 2 of each song in my library. Also some of the music i have purchased does not show up when i restart connect, this a long with the albumart dissapearing is pissing me off, one unhappy git! ill read through the forum now for help, just needed to let off some steam! Cheers

  5. I've have seen this happen sometimes too.  The best I can say is to use smaller album artwork (300x300 seems to work well) and GIF or JPG files.  Also, don't plan on doing a lot of them at a time, keep your album artwork sessions to 10 or less in a shot.

    Finally, make sure the "write to file" option is checked in the song properties.  If it isn't you aren't really saving the changes you make to anything other than the library.

    I tried it, resized the pics to 300x300, the picture on the top large screen appeared but not on the library list, then when i restarted it was gone again, ill try using even smaller jpgs!

  6. Can anyone get album artwork onto thier albums? Sometimes it looks as if its working , then when i restart the app its gone!! Most of the time i try to drag and drop a album artwork picture and nothinghappens or the app freezes. I finally got all 130 albums on the library and on my a3000! Its just the artwork! :-(

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