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Everything posted by TowerLess

  1. Would those who have written software that uses NetMD libraries please comment? I wonder if I write an application that works with MD players via Sony's NetMD libraries, is it going to be an illegal thing to do? People who have done it - did you have any issues with that?
  2. Well, Sony's software that comes with the player installs a bunch of COM components which you can play with and do pretty much everything that SonicStage can do. Using .NET framework it is particularly easy to work with COM objects. I think I am going to write a simple program where you could just drag&drop files to the application window and it would automatically put them on the MD player...
  3. ... and it is so COOL! Just wanted to share P.S. I love the NetMD concept. Been playing with my computer recently a wrote a little program that puts omg files on the device (SonicStage is too bulky for me). Looking forward to doing some more cool stuff with it 8)
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