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  1. Why portables then? Me thinks you need to invest in a deck and some home 'phones! :rasp:
  2. Nice little attitude you got there Iceeedtea... :whatever: Just because you're no longer a moderator doesn't give you the right to go pushing new members like that. To be honest, looking at his posts it doesn't even look like the cap's were intentional and it may have just been a mistake - his other posts were not in caps. Either way, really what's the big deal? If you let little things like someone typing in caps's get to you, God knows what you're like in real life, I mean, no offence but I actually feel depressed just by reading your posts...ever tried lightning up a bit? Just because you've contributed to the MD community because you tweaked SonicStage 2 a little gives you no right to act like some kind of God and treat other members with less respect than you'd like to be treated with... But hey, maybe I shouldn't even be posting here because I own an iPod aswell as my various MD gear... _____________________________________________________________ Skyther - if anyone should be banned it should be "Mr. Elite" over there.
  3. I get this problem with alot of ear/headphones. I don't know if there's a particular solution, but I find I have less problems with more balanced sounding headphones. If they're too bassy or too bright I get a headache
  4. It depends on the unit, the headphones, the music, the time of day, my mood etc. :rasp:
  5. Shure E3c. Mid priced earbuds, comfortable, good isolation and they sound great
  6. What? No...they only need to cover the entrance to your ear. It's not like your earlobe can pick up sound... Think about it, etymotic earphones don't "cover your entire ear" yet they give some of the best isolation out there and don't leak hardly at all. Why? Because they get a good seal around your ear canal...
  7. Are you listening to MP3's you've recorded via NetMD? Or maybe an LP4 disc? If you have sensitive earphones (I think those Sony's are quite sensitive) then you may notice some clipping (the crackling you're hearing) etc. in some songs. Also, some songs are just recorded really clippy and rubbish...
  8. 1. They have a tiny amp built in to compensate for the high impedence. 2. The ear cups are not *supposed* to cover the entire ear, just to sit over the entrance to the ear canal. The reason for this is they are supposed to portable and fold up into your pocket.
  9. Noise cancelling: PX250 Isolating: Sennheiser PX200 Balanced sound: Sony MDR-D66SL OMG TEH BASS!!!111one!11oneone!11: Koss PortaPro If you don't mind clip-on portable 'phones - I highly recommend the Koss KSC-35's. They are probably the best portable HEADphone's I've heard...or...if you don't mind earphones, there's a whole other world of portable goodness like the Etymotic Research ER-4P's, Shure E3c's, etc...
  10. Considering most, if not all of Sharp's portable Auvi units are made in Malaysia, it can't be a bad thing right? :grin:
  11. There's no way of hacking it just to give you more volume. You can invest in a portable headphone amp if you feel you need a stronger output, I suggest the XIN SuperMicro from www.fixup.net
  12. Children of Bodom - because their guitar work is mindblowing and I dunno...I just like their music :smile:
  13. You could try the Sennheiser PX200's. They provide a fair amount of isolation, they're pretty efficiant and you should find them for around £30 - £40. Else there's the Sennheiser PX100's but they provide no isolation, however they can be found for £20 - £30. I'm not sure how much volume you'd be getting from your MZ-N710 with these headphones, as I'm unsure of the specs of the stock earphones so it's pretty hard to tell if the PX's will be more efficiant, try buying from a store that has a satisfaction guarantee. Also, you could try a SuperMicro headphone amp from www.fixup.net to give your 'phones a little more juice but as the MZ-N710 doesn't have a "true" line-out you won't be getting much improvement in terms of sound, only volume.
  14. How about the Sony X-Plod range: http://www.xplodsony.com/products/?CATEGOR...ORY=Mini%20Disc The MDX-F5800 looks pretty good... MDLP playback Wide Bit Stream processing Shock Resistant Memory CD/MD control, CD Text DSO, EQ3
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