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Everything posted by sony_man
what can i say? well for starters these things destroy my sennheiser 212's. more bass control but the quantity is still there. clear highs and mids. the soundstage is HUGE. the headband mechanism creeks a bit but i think its fixable. the movie and music switches dont make huge changes but you can definitely hear and feel the difference. the design is really nice. not as nice as sonys SA series but these are more of the commercial type, not hi-fi. i got these off ebay new. the guy has like 98 pairs left if youre interested. now all i need is a headphones stand..... im using a big dictionary on its side right now lol.
ummm if you do research on the sonys, the v700 falls apart and has muddy sound. V7506 are exactly the same as the V^ which have bright sound but heavy bass (what i heard). id say go for the XD400, im getting the 300's myself and heard they are good.
dont start trying though! i generally dont like walking with IEM's unless it has something like the foamies like on the Ety's ER6i's.
waoh.... a right angle 3/4 adapter haha. yes i agree with damage. unless osmone has experience with the AA headphones, you might want to take this advice.
i actually tried ripping the cord out of a dead drive on my EX51's. it was so hard i couldnt believe that sony actually reinforced it. i had to use a knife. it is strange that you would have to replace 3. makes you wonder if sony would care enough to do something besides constantly taking in borken ones and giving out new ones. maybe the next time they break, ask for a refund lol.
only good koss phones worth your money: Ksc- 35, 75 and koss porta pros.
for some reason, one side didnt even fit! so noe side lacked bass and isolation while the side that fit did everything. i only hear a difference in volume between my ears when at low volume though,
check the output on the headphones jack and the ohms on the headphones before buying.
hmm, i kinda liked the bloaty bass of the EX51's i had. for my genre that no one likes; rap. but are the sennheisers the only company that makes good sounding earbuds? what about audio technica?
wow good luck, make photos and write about your progress
i wouldnt mind just winding up the cord with the twist tie it comes with then plugging it into a remote. if you dont mind that then your options could be so much broader.
yeah for walking, regular koss 35's +amp! try it, heard that for the price they are supposed to sound amazing, and even more with an amp. but some people lose the sense of portability with one. im also not good in the earbuds department but i am with skyther on this one.
well, the no bass part, can u actually noyice the loss compared to your other heapdhones? if not, than you're just hearing the same sound signature. i dont know what the muffling could be. the only reason maybe that you couldve put them in wrong. but who puts earbuds in the wrong way
are u putting them in right? people seem to like that model. or maybe there is a higher end version.
i need to change my sig
i dont think im following the term bloatware. unless you are meaning be prepared for bloaty bass? i know these arent looking or sounding like the best, but i was just wondering for porttability uses. what about these? :http://www.bluetin.com/stores/world/shop.html seems like a good idea with the loops.
ive been getting a lot of that, but the thing is i need money. i also want to work my way up the bassmaster line-up. so i guess A500's are another one of those analytical heeadphones with more balanced sound. phooey... maybe i should just go with the AKG K240S plus PA2 amp.
http://www.viewonline.com/pages/articles/h...univearsubs.htm anyone gona try these out for me?
so the bass is good? did u compare using an amp or through player directly and soundcard? im a bass head, tell me if it is boomier or in some way better than the sony EX buds. i kno they arent in the same xategory but if u were forced to compare anways lol. i cant find the shopping cart or the add to cart kind of button lol.... EDIT: nevermind, they have an interesting order fill out.
no there are more sony products out there with shortened cords. like th eeggos. but would look weird in public. sony Q55 model, thats the solid version, there is also liquid and wind or something. but dont get those. fitting is poor which leads to poor SQ and bass. plus they are WAY too heavy for clip ons. plus if you dont mind winding the cord or trying cord mod your self, get a pair of koss 35's. look cheap but pump good sound. especially amped.
if your gona spend on that model, try the MDR-XD400? they are as cheapp as 70 bucks. huge, with switches for larger bass boost. also, is this for portability?
nice review man! i was planning on getting these, but thought i might need to see a review first. thanks!
best sub headphones id say are the porta pros, koss 35's, Grado SR60, and the sennheiser HD212pros. P.S. have any of you tried the sony MDR-XD100/200/300/400?
well, i dont have pictures to supply, but these are probably only suited for entry bass heads. next steup is either the AKG-K240S or the Beyerdynamic DT770, both with a PA2 amp sound good (what ive heard). now, the only thing is, the bass tends to be a bit messy, and even though i am a bass head, its kind of annoying. thats why, after i get a cheap 600D hi-md, or fix my ipod myself, im saving straight up to Beyers fro bass heaven. these babies are more than 250 dollars and i have heard that they pack the punch for me! but enough about my life plans, the basic thing is that the 212 may be headphones with more bass than yur used to. the eggos for example are ok, VERY flat sound(neutral), but good balance. pretty good soundstage for small cups. the 212 pros have small sound stage since it is circum aural. but that doesnt mean all circum aural headphones have small sound stage, the AKG;s mentioned, for example, are open types so they have an advantage over that to produce airy but solid bassy sound. the pads are comfy, VERY comfy, but when you are used to eggos being around your ear, the 212 can get uncomfortable after a couple hours of use. compared to the EX51's, the sound is obviously more audience kind of sound, instead of cramped into your ear canal. although EX51's produce more bass that way, it is also unhealthy . the cord is very long. i never took the twist tie off of it. the cords can disconnect from the cups by hand. i guess this is for portable purposes or for cable upgrades. they are also very thin and flimsy looking. might not wanna tug too hard.
wow..... this place seems empty since the last time i posted. Anywho, got a piar of HD212 pros, they are the most bassiest headphones possible. they lift off your head and vibrate with such boomy force that only bass heads can love its bloatiness. probly clearing it up with an amp would do it. these dont too bad either. cool black laquer kind of look on the side. very soft pleather. simple yet sturdy build. highs seem clear enough when there arent bass lines to overcome your ears .