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  1. You could need them if you are going to go travel alot.
  2. The reason why Sony can't allow uploading standard md's is that no current md player supports feeding any kind of data, except toc, from the disk to pc. So it isn't possible to make Ss read the discs because the units can't upload the audio data.
  3. It's about some stupid French legistlation which they managed to make Europe wide.
  4. Really?? Doesn't look like it. As you can see, wma is clearly inferior to Lame mp3 @ 128 kbps. N.b. Lame has improved since that test, atrac3 has too and so have Vorbis and iTunes Aac but there hasn't been any new versions of wma since the test.
  5. That is nice if you happen to live in Iceland or northern France but the rest of Europe needs ridiculously large dishs (e.g. in Finland d ≈3 m) to enjoy that content.
  6. At least 1411 kbps. That's the bitrate of lpcm on cd/md and SS copies it faster than realtime.
  7. Latexxx

    Dvd To Minidisc

    It works if your player decodes the signal to pcm. No md units can decode ac3 or dts.
  8. Latexxx

    Dvd To Minidisc

    It works with dvd players.
  9. They could have invented something which could have been possible to mass-produce. And on the other hand an industrial robot + 1.000 Hi-MD drives woudn't be too far fetched.
  10. This makes me (again) wonder why Sony didn't use same type of medium for both PSP and Hi-MD. Now they are pushing portable (?) Hi-MD video machines and on the other hand PSP which can play prerecorded content and homemade films from Memory Stick.
  11. My SS 3.1 can rip to wav (pcm) and OpenMG pcm has been available since 2.1.
  12. Latexxx

    Nh900 Battery

    Or GP's dirt cheap (as compared to Sony's) 1450 mAh battery.
  13. RH10 supports mp3 natively, nh900 doesn't.
  14. Try to dis/connect the player when SS is running and removing and reinserting the disc.
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