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Everything posted by mafija

  1. Hi,all hope this post is in the right place. So,i have Sony MZ-N10 NetMD for 2 years and it served me well until few weeks ago.Once it's discharged,i put like always it in the cradle and see red light lighting and written on the lid Charging --min .And after few secs the light goes off and unit seems not charging at all.I tried to keep it anyway and after maybe 10h i get it to listen music and it died just after 2h of playing not so loud sound unlike before,it plays for 7 days at least 3-4h a day!!Whats wrong? Thanks in advance.
  2. Can i get the answer for this?Or i'm just asking to much?Thanks a lot. ||| Can somebody tell me in very simple way about tweaking MZ-N10 model?Can the tweak make it better than it is now(default)?
  3. mafija

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    If you aren't japanese it's impossible to understand the way they are thinking,coz even sometimes when they know that they are doing things wrong they just keep going coz like they always telling kimateru is kimateru(mean to say that if somebody made like this from the begining it supposed to be like this till the end no matter what)!In simple words-kind of idiotizm,stupidity and things like that.
  4. mafija

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    You mention you got it,i just start use 2 units today-Rio Unite 130 2GB.Everything is more than fine,i just don't check yet the line in quality.
  5. mafija

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    If your mastercard can't afford that kind of velocity,get visa one. P.S.Just joke And i think that is not bad to much that things is changing very fast coz mostly new product is much better in all ways than the previous ones,and if we all start bark about velocity speed,we could start Internet not in early 90s,but in late 2050s!What do you think about it?
  6. mafija

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    And she wasn't making CM for Sony,that was for Panasonic/National! Ya,but is that not idiotizm when i record my md with some other recorder and i put that disc in recorder i use right now and even SSv3.2 never lets me to transfer songs to pc????Or maybe i don't know how?PLS.HELP. That's why a lot of people goes to flash,i already had order Rio Unite 130 2GB for myself and sister just for 20,000 yen each!Isn't that cheap for all specs it provides?
  7. mafija

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    It's already 2 years when laptop pcs is more than cheap.Why,because of its specs,but not all users wants super duper laptop,mostly who is getting laptop they need cheap and small size,if they need hi spec pc,they go for desktops!That's why MDs popularity is going down rapidly(i don't know how about sales,but the best way for ordinary person is to check what kind of player people using in streets,trains..).
  8. mafija

    Hi-MD, Bye-MD?

    Hi,everybody I start read this tread just yesterday,but i found it very sadly right away.I'm living in Japan for 4 years already and if everything wents fine i'm planning to live here for ever And what can i say about MD in Japan?1-3 years ago when you ride in train and see what kind of music player people using to listen their music you'll find out that more than 70% if not more using all kind of MDs,old,big,new,etc.But 1 year ago when flash memory and HDD players become cheaper and cheaper,people start to refuse using their MDs,because of its size,discs,unit price and of course check in/out abnormality in Sonic Stage(i don't hear any good words from my friends,including myself, using MDs about SonicStage software{i've never used MDs from Sharp,Panasonic or other maker than Sony,so i don't have any idea what kind and how good software these makers is giving for their MDs costumers to deal with their musics transfers}).Especialy now,when i ride in the train if i'm not reading a book,i see in people listening music what kind of player they are using-FLASH FLASH and 1 more time FLASH ,mostly I-Pod.But it's not that much bad news coz in stores is still a lot of new models of MDs,Panasonic,Sharp is still delivering MDs with 1-bit digital amps and so on,smaller in size,lighter in weight,longer life in battery time..Another big brake for MDs future is that Hi-MD is made only by Sony and a lot of new home components don't have support for Hi-MD.Before this problem was MD-LP,now Hi-MD and if Sony will not do something about it and/or other MD makers will not start to use/produce Hi-MD walkmans and support for home components it will not be so strange if Hi-MD will die soon.
  9. Hi,I'm new here and i found a lot of interesting talks about tweaking MDs configurations.Can somebody tell me in very simple way about tweaking MZ-N10 model?Can the tweak make it better than it is now? When i enter in service mode i see: 001 Ver 1.600 What i need to push more that i can see all default settings one by one. I change my pc before and now i have problem in checking in songs from my MD to PC.I try to use Real Media player but it brings me error that your songs must be queued and i don't find any info how to do it.Any sugestions how to transfer my songs to pc from MD in digital way w/o loosing the quality?I can use Line In option but it's not digital WMP 10 don't want to see my MD at all I try to add a new device but WMP opens Internet page which offers to buy new MP Help needed. Thanks in advance
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