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Everything posted by SaturnNyne

  1. I wouldn't be confident enough to order without asking first, but they do actually specify that the color is black in the specs list.
  2. Thanks for mentioning this, it's the first I've heard of this change.
  3. The MDR-7506 is the same as the V6. It's a pretty good closed phone; well built, very compact when folded, decent sound. It's fairly detailed, has strong bass, but many don't like its strong and sometimes harsh highs. The much larger Sennheiser HD280 is often seen as its primary competitor in the class.
  4. You might be surprised by what you can get away with driving those from. I am amazed by how decently my MDs do with my HD580 without additional amping, even the N707 with only 5mw of power can push it well enough to sound good, even if it can't take them to their full potential. Since those Senns are fairly sensitive for their high impedance, they can reach a reasonable volume straight out of a portable unit, though the volume will probably have to be just about maxed out. A great pair of headphones, I'm sure you'll enjoy them. fighting words...
  5. Once again, it looks like it often just comes down to luck. I just last weekend used the last of my 30 or 40 of those Fuji disks (I've used them more than any other kind) and I have never had any problem of any kind. Only thing I don't like about them is that their labels require trimming to fit well. The only disk failure I've had was with my very first, the Sony Color that came with my N707.
  6. Excellent news! Another RH1 possible weakness partially eliminated.
  7. Well said. The RH1 isn't quite perfect... but if it were perfect I guess it just wouldn't be Sony. But this time they've done more right than I've ever seen and what they screwed up on is pretty minor, so this is the unit that will finally get me to move to hi-md after a couple years of ignoring it and hoping Sharp would get into the act.
  8. I just took advantage of this deal too, in preparation for finally making the jump to hi-md. I'm disappointed to hear that they're actually the new blue ones, though; I much prefer the look of the original style and thought this might be a clearance sale/last chance. But thanks anyway for giving me a heads up before they arrive. And thanks to ZosoIV for bringing this to my attention, best price I've seen by far. I also took advantage of their great price on regular 80m Sony color blanks, $3/5 pack; even better deal!
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