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Posts posted by yoda_143

  1. UHM, instead of building all your electronics to curb voltage variances, have you considered just applying the 4volts to the battery terminals with a dummy battery for the plug?

    This would allow the MZ-RH1 to use its own electronics and you are not going to accidentally damage this expensive recorder by feeding the wrong voltage in a USB port.

    Just a thought.


    You'd be surprised to know how unstable in terms of voltage most PC USB ports are. So I think any device built to be charged via USB will be protected against damage by varying voltages. At least that's how a good engineer would do it, but you never know with Sony, right ? ;)

  2. Hey everyone, wondering if any of you folks could help me out with this...

    Any idea what language this is?

    "Ict post y fille. Fe os applay Heidi. Tuska mein fet gul ict ze hargen. Quist annor os immercium?"

    Thanks in advance to anyone that can help with this.


    Looks like some butchered swedish

  3. I use Itunes to download several podcasts and some of them are not 44.1 khz files.

    Can Sonicstage automatically convert a 48 khz or 22.5 khz mp3 without having to take the extra step of manually locating the non 44.1 khz file and converting it. Sonicstage pops up a message saying it will transfer the non 44.1 khz files but that they may not play correctly. Of course they do not and yes they will not play because they are not supported. Even if I convert them to ATRAC files beforehand SS will default to the non supported MP3 and transfer it unless I delete the MP3 first

    Can I configure SS to automatically convert them on the fly during transfer?

    That setting is to be made in the mp3 codec you use. You could use ffdshow for example and set it to resample.

  4. Well the only thing you really need to know to build something like that is that the "play/pause" command is given to the player by closing the circuit between pin2 and pin4 on the remote connector with a resistance of 330ohms between both pins. Although you might want to put a second 5ohms resistor inline, otherwise variances in resistors might cause a drop below 330ohms and the command will not be recognised. You are aiming for somewhere around 335-345ohms.

    basic layout would be:





  5. I guess this is not worth for me to install v4.0 right now I've got v3.4 and works fine for me. :lazy:

    Same here.

    I'm gonna wait till there's an offline installer, since my home connection is very unstable.

  6. I just disassembled an MZR30MP, hooked it up to some test gear and found the same resistor values as described here.

    They are:

    Prev/Back 1000

    Next/Forward 3627

    Pause 5156

    Stop 7050

    Volume - 8400

    Volume + 9900

    Track Mark 11900

    Then I connected it to my 2nd generation Hi-MD player (RH710) and found out that:

    • Prev/Back works 100%
    • Next/Forward works, but it does not start playback when in stop mode
    • Stop, Volume up and Volume down work 100%
    • Pause doesn't pause, but instead seems to jump through groups in inverse order
    • Track Mark also seems to be group function now, it jumps from group to group in forward order
    Quite interesting. Does anyone know what resistor values are needed for Hi-MD players to:
    1. Play
    2. Pause
    ?? Would be great if you could tell me. I don't own a Hi-MD remote and therefore cannot measure the resistances myself.
  7. Hi there, I finally decided to buy a Hi-MD Recorder and was looking for one that features upload of line/optical-in recorded music to the PC, as I understand it there is the RH10, RH910, RH710 and NH1 that can do that. Is this right? Since I didn't want so spend a lot of money, I'd go for the RH710 then, any special advice you can give me about that unit? Oh and it would be nice if there was some hacked firmware that added features to it. Is there?


    I am also looking at the NH700 because of it's Mic-In. What are the differences between the RH710 and the NH700 besides the former not having a Mic-In.

    Both can be fed music via USB, both can record music via line/optical-in (and mic-in for the NH700), both can upload the recorded music to a PC and both can be used as a mass storage device for .doc files and so on. Is all this correct?

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