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Patrick Balleux

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Posts posted by Patrick Balleux

  1. Hi all!

    Ok, it's been 6 months, so I had to do something... v0.13 is out!

    There are no big changes except the now it needs Java 6.

    What was done:

    - Better handling of mp3s (Thanks to Neil Wallace for his hints)

    - Better podcast compatibility

    - Removed the "Shoutcast" tab, nobody talk about it, so surely is was not used.

    - Language supported : English, French, Deutch and Swedish

    - Other small modifications.

    It this version is good, the it will be the last... We are working on a totally new version that will handle more features and more players (Look for Symphonic...)

    Have fun!

    Patrick Balleux

  2. Hi Neil.

    I tried your code, but it failed on some podcasts while downloading.

    Anyway, you gave me some hint and I finally used the JavaZoom library to skip the header. This is the library I use to play the mp3 directly in the application.


    Hi Patrick,

    I think I've sorted the ID3 tag removal for you.

    The problem seems to occur when a JPEG image is embedded in the header. (JPEG starts 1111 1111 111 I think...)

    Anyway, the code I added looks for 7 compatible MP3 frame headers. And it seems to work well.

    I've attached the code. (had to add an extension .txt to allow upload)

    I've never contributed to an open source project before, and I do apologise if I've gone about this incorrectly. Perhaps you could mail me a rowinggolferAThotmailDOTcom if you wish to discuss.

    Incidentally, as I'm sure you are aware correcting the tags alone does not remove the issue of Mickey Mouse voice for these podcasts.

    Consequently I've done some further experiments, and I am now convinced that my player can play these streams, but only when Sonicstage has passed some further info to the player (a codec??).

    I think this is included in the OMA header. Specifically at address 0xc15. (You'll note I've also attached a plain text file showing the differences in the headers transferred by Sonicstage 3.1 and by NW-E00x when I transfer my 'testmp3' file.)

    BTW - My player is a NW-S703, which may be relevant in it's capacity to play <44.1hz files.

    BTW2 - You are absolutely correct that FFMpeg works. However, it takes additional time and increases the file size.

    I am going to continue modifying the project. I'll let you know if I have any further success. Perhaps I could do this off-list?

    BTW - your project is extremely well documented, and your code very clear.


  3. Hi Neil,

    Thanks for your support...

    Removing the ID Tags is not working as expected on some files but I did not had the time to look into it...

    We are currently redoing the work in another project that will be better designed to support more version of Sony players...


    Hi Patrick,

    I been doing some research into the specific problem of the distortion with low-bit rate transfers. My player can play 32kbps mp3s transferred by Sonicstage, but not by your file manager.

    My interpretation of the reasoning (after examining a test file transferred onto a clean machine by both systems) is as follows.

    My "test.mp3" file was 15021 bytes long.

    transferred using Sonicstage 4.1 (yeuch!) the file generated 10000001.oma is only 14832 bytes long.

    transferred using NW-Eoox file manager (without using FFmpeg) 10000001.oma is 17095 bytes.

    There appears to be an issue with your code for removing the ID3 tags from MP3 files. They are left in situ after your reverse engineered Sony-compatible bytes are added, consequently, when the player accesses the file from startpoint 0x0c60, this is right in the middle of the old ID3V2 tag and the data packets are consequently out of sync and sound nasty.

    I am not a Java programmer, but I did have a look at your code, and the problematic section appears to be lines 413...451 of the OMAFile.java

    BTW - FFMpeg seems to remove any tags, so it works.

    I do hope this is helpful. If I can be of assistance please do not hesitate to ask. I only wish I knew how to build from Source code, I would have gladly tried to tweak the code and come to you with a solution rather than a problem.

    Are you using Eclipse as the IDE?



    BTW - I've attached the 3 relevant files in a compressed folder as test1.mp3 nw-e00x.oma and sonicstage.oma I trust this makes sense!


  4. Hi Neil,

    Effectively, the player does not support all the bitrates that you can find in podcasts.

    That's why the support of FFMEG was implemented to convert on the fly those podcasts.

    FFMPEG command line option would be : ffmpeg -i FILE.mp3 -ab 128 -ar 44100 -ac 2 FILEConverted.mp3

    Hi Patrick,

    I am delighted to report that I have this running on my NW-S703F player.

    On my desktop I have Ubuntu 7.04, and have installed Sun Java 1.5 from the repositories.

    I have also installed FFMPG.

    I am truly thankful to you that I don't have to resort to Windoze and Sonicstage to use this device.

    I love the Sony hardware (I chose it for the built in noise reducing capability, which is great in the gym or whilst lawn-mowing etc..)

    I use it simply for podcasts and uploading the MP3 I have ripped from CDs I own. I don't wish to download music from the net, and I don't want Sony to try and flog me stuff everytime I connect my device.

    So many,many thanks.

    Incidentally, I am having a few issues with some podcasts with obscure bitrates and sampling frequencies.

    The podcasts I refer to are in a series called Python411, and it is not all editions. the later ones are fine, but some of the 32kbps at 22,000 have the distortion mentioned earlier in the thread. I have also noticed that the timer functions eratically with some of these files... even some of the files that have OK sound!

    I know this isn't down to this software, and is simply a limitation of the MP3 playing capability of my device.

    I'll experiment with the FFMPEG options and find one which works, but wonder if anyone could point me to a link showing which MP3 settings run natively on these Sony devices. I can't find any decent documentation anywhere.


    (Inverness - Scotland)

  5. Hi suwii,

    Could anyone help me with my problem? How do you actually execute or run the file? Do I have to do command prompt or something?

    A lot have already been said in that forum about how to install NWE00xMp3Manager.

    the command line is : java -jar NWE00xMp3FileManager.jar.

    You must execute from the player. If you are in Windows, double-clic on the Jar.


  6. Hi xunil,

    This is a swing appliction and requires X to run... I assume that you are running under Linux. Your problem is that you are not able to start a GUI java application because your JRE is not able to talk to the X display.

    Could you tell me that you start the application inside a terminal and not from the TTY0 ...


    I wasn't able to install. This is the error I got:

    /usr/local/java/jre1.5.0_11/bin/java -jar NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12.jar Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.awt.HeadlessException:

    No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.

    at java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment.checkHeadless(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.Window.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.Frame.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.Frame.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at javax.swing.JFrame.<init>(Unknown Source)

    at org.naurd.media.nwe00xmp3filemanager.NWE003MP3Manager.<init>(NWE003MP3Manager.java:51)

    at org.naurd.media.nwe00xmp3filemanager.NWE003MP3Manager$47.run(NWE003MP3Manager.java:2018)

    at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)

    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source)

  7. Hi suwii!

    Hi! I'm really annoyed with my Sony NW-E003F but more so the software that comes with it and it seems everyone is having a problem with SonicStage. My last resort is this program but I can't install it..I don't konw where to start.

    My first problem is when I download the .jar folder it turns into a .zip folder? Is this supposed to happen? From there I have no idea how to go about installing it..so if you could help me out thanks! I've seen http://david.dw-perspective.org.uk/Sony-NW...MacOSX-etc.html as well but I'm a bit lost in it too...

    Sorry for the late replay, but I just got out of a minor surgery so I was out for a few weeks...

    A .JAR file is actually a ZIP file. That is why you're seeing it as a ZIP. Linuxes and Macs look at the mime type of a file instead of it's extention like Windows. This is why you cannot fool a Linux/Mac user with Pamella_Nude.jpg.exe :)

    Anyway, enough Win bashing...

    What you need to do is copy the JAR file on your player (at the root of the player, at the same place as the OMGAUDIO folder).

    Then, to start it manually, you have to execute "java -jar NW-E00xMp3Manager.jar"

    You can start it in a bash file (batch file, command file, whatever) that you will put at the same place.

    I don't have a MAC so it is hard for me to give you the exact steps but it should be as in linux...

    Make sure that in a console, you can execute Java...

    Becarefull because I think MACs are case sensitive.

    Also, ask around how to start a JAR file with your mouse (google...)

    Let me know if you were able to make it work (I know it is working, somebody in another forum confirmed that is was working well)

    Oh, yeah, make sure you hava java 1.5 installed ( Java 5.0) : Go to http://www.java.sun

    Patrick Balleux

  8. Hello.

    I tested this software on my NW-E103. The install proceded without any error. I copy a song on my mp3 player using NW-E00X Mp3 File Manager. OK! But when I try to listen musyc the display of Nw-E103 says "MG ERROR". :excl:

    What's my problem? :sad:


    As I mentionned, you player is requesting an encrypted title and NW-E00x Mp3 File Manager does not support encryption yet.

    That's why the player give you this error.

  9. Hi cam36


    I know this has already been asked fairly recently but I thought I'd try again as i'm desperate! I have a SONY NW-E405 and the computers I use are a Linux Fedora Core 4 and an Apple Mac so I can't run the Sonic Stage software. I've tried running this software on my linux box in the hope that it might work but when I press the 'write' button I get the error :

    "java.io.FileNotFoundException: ./omgaudio/03GINF03.DAT (File exists)"

    I'm guessing this is due to differing OMGAUDIO files / encryption formats which Patrick mentioned for models not of the NW-E00x type . However, I wanted to ask if there was any other software or anything at all around which I can use to transfer files onto it? It was a present so I can't return it... I've also managed to delete my original OMGAUDIO/ directory (not very clever I know) when installing this software so don't think that even if I get hold of a windows machine I can use the Sonic Stage now. Ooops!

    Many thanks

    To my knowledge, there is nothing else for now. The is one software made by Dr.Void (Google for it) that runs under Windows and I think that it can be run with Wine, but I am not really sure...

    As for your Error you got, it looks like you cannot delete the file so maybe you do not have access in WRITE to that folder (device).

    Patrick Balleux

  10. I'm really sorry to post this as I'm sure it's already been covered somewhere in this post already but it's getting pretty mammoth. Can I use my NW A3000 with MP3 file manager? Cheers.

    I am not sure, but I think that you can. Just backup before doing something...

    Patrick Balleux

  11. Hi fabiok,


    I have a NW-E103, so i can use the sony's software, but I would use my mp3 player in Linux. Is your NW-E00X Mp3 File Manager compatible with my NW-E103?

    Do you know another way to use it in Linux without a virtual machine?

    I you want Nw-E103's OMGAUDIO folders send me an e-mail, please.


    P.S. Exuseme for my bad English. I'm Italian. :D

    It is a Java application so you need the runtime. The idea was that it would work whatever the OS is installed.

    And, I am not sure, but I think that the 103 is not supported because titles needs to be encrypted on that series.

    Patrick Balleux

  12. Hi c_webb84

    Hello Pat i have a NW-E505 and i also use a mac osx and i have been thru hell. i cant use sonicstage and i have all old songs stuck on my mp3 player. i downloaded your file manager and it works on my mac osx but i cant seem to put any songs on the player. it wont delete or add anything so iam stuck. i do have the omg files and i have some java 10 i believe so i dont know what the problem is. do you think you could help me im in need of rescue thank you


    The 505 is not currently supported because the titles are encrypted. But we are working on it... sorry!

    Patrick Balleux

  13. Hi eremywhd,

    hi there,

    i am now using your software and i found it really great, but there is a problem.

    to me it seems that i can only browse through a few of the albums that i downloaded into the player.

    let say i downloaded 16 albums altogether but when i can only see 10 albums in it.

    but the funny thing is i can still play the songs in the 11th album but i have to keep skipping

    the songs till i get to the 11 album cause i can only browse through around all the 10 albums.

    can i know what is my problem here?

    Thanks for the info, we'll check that problem


  14. Hi jurin,

    thank you for your effort patrix...

    i want to share something with you, last night i have tried to replace the bean omgaudio with the E00x omgaudio, then i found that only 2 songs can be transferred to the device. the transferred songs stored in Ghostbuster(i dont really remember it.something like that la.) and acoustic album. i realized that, even i create my own album name through your software, it stills produce same result. the device only show the two albums that i don't even know where they come from....

    i hope this can help you to figure out how to make your software works with bean.

    What you see is garbage from the index files related to the search features of the players...

    We are also working to support playlist and search on the player.


  15. Hi jurin,

    yes, my bean works with sony mp3 file manager. but i have used your software for my nw-e002f for some time and now i decide to use it for my bean. unforunately, it doesnt work with it.

    the differences between the nw-e00x's and bean's omgaudio are as follows:

    + 01TREE2D.DAT

    + 03GINF2D.DAT


    the files above are from the E00x's omgaudio.

    so it is possible for your mp3 file manager to works with my bean?

    For now, it will not work because your bean player is working the the mp3 manager from sony meaning that files are encrypted.

    It is not the case with the NW-E0x series, that's why I was able to create a small manager.

    But I'm working on it....


  16. Hi jurin,

    yes i have tried your software and it produces "No Data" in my bean. it means that my bean couldn't detect any song that i have transferred. what is the problem with your software and my bean?

    Have you checked the file system on your bean? Compare it with the OMGAUDIO.zip from the optional packages and tell me if they are different...

    Ia the bean working with the Mp3 File Manager from Sony?


  17. Hi Zerosystem,

    I was wondering, has anyone gotten this to work with an NW-E40x/NW-E50x model network walkman yet?

    I am running Ubuntu Linux, and am desperate for a solution to put music on the player.

    As for the HD5 series, the E40x and E50x series are encrypting the mp3 on the player.

    I was able to find out how to encrypt the mp3s but there is a small problem: the magic number to encrypt is different for each series and I have to find a way to detect it...

    For now, I am currently trying to document everything but those player will eventually be supported...

    Thanks for you interest


  18. Hi sony_user

    To download podcasts I can only enter internet via a proxy server.

    Is it possible to do this with NW-E00X Mp3 File Manager ??

    Are you using windows or Linux or Mac?

    If I remember well, you can configure the proxy settings in the control panel of Windows (for all java application) ... But I'll have to validate if it is working...

    Anyway, I'll look to integrate that feature in a next version.


  19. Hi bootsbradford,

    However... I have just made the love to Linux Ubuntu 6.10 and was hoping for similar success with the file manager program. Java is installed fine

    Yep, I know what is happening... I also have Ubuntu 6.10 and the problem is related to Nautilus that is executing the JAR from another folder instead of the current folder when double-clicking the JAR file (The current folder seems to always be the home folder of your user...).

    There are several solutions but here is the one I use:

    Create a startManager.sh file (Like a batch file in Windows), and add to that file that command "java -jar nw-e00xmp3manager.jar". Copy that file at the same place as the JAR file (Careful with letter case since Linux is case sensitive...). Now instead of double-clicking on the JAR file, double click on th .SH file (remember to set that file to executable...).

    This should do the trick...


  20. Hi 8iLLy

    hello, :) it has been buying my reproducer NW-E005F for a month and was resigned to use the odioso software of Sony (Sonicstage), and sailing by the network encontre your application that this very good… and good now I want agradecerte enormously by the great facility that now is to transfer my archives mp3 to my reproducer. But I have some doubts, that of insurance already they estan responded in the forum, I do it so that I am not very good with the language of the English, your page navegue with the translator of google. Although some already it clears like fixing them the one of the capacity. good I do not make much mola and I pass to mencionarte my doubts to you: 1. You recommend to me to unload the OMGAUDIO.zip which this. The one works normal to raise mp3, but I do not have the option to look for a song in individual leaves “Unknown to me” those that subi with your application but not with which subi with the Sonicstage. Actualize my firmware to the version 2.00, tendra that to see something that. :unsure: 2. Playlist works with your application? From Peru a hug and darte again infinite thanks for your answer. :)

    1 - Use the OMGAUDIO.zip only if you have problem with your original omgaudio folder...

    2 - SonicStage will not work after using NW-E00x Mp3 File Manager, sory...

    3 - Playlist, Searching will not work because NW-E00x Mp3 File Manager do not support them. It will in a near future...

    Hope I have helped.


  21. Hi Mgaic

    I unzip the OMGAUDIO from jour websate and copy the NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12 to the player i then run the NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12 and copy songs to my device and when i try to play these songs nothing happens and it writes "X Format Error"What should i do?

    Have you formatted your player with Windows? You should format your player with the builtin tool (in the advance menu i think...).

    Let me know!


  22. Hi Korinthenkacker

    I tried the new version 0.12 and found that the volume of my music was a lot lower than with version 0.10. In particular pieces of classical music are almost not perceptible even with the volume set to 30.

    So I went back to v0.10 and a volume setting of 20 is OK even when having lot of surround noise.

    Another problem even with the 0.10 is that tunes that have certain characters in their names are not played. Although I removed all letters like ä,ü,ö,ß and so on, some titles left that are still not played (and are displayed only for some parts of a second).

    If you're interested I'll send you one of them.

    By the way: I have to switch from "Local" to "Potcasts" and back to get the button "Add all titles from all sub-directories" colored (and pressable).

    The software does not change any volume in the mp3, but, I do remove the ID3 header from the MP3 since some headers are incompatible with the nw player... Look the tags with a tag editor to see if there is something in there that could change something... I check on my side to reproduce that problem.

    Also, I'll check for that button...

    Thanks for your comments,


  23. Hi Vin_Eme

    to write more than 1GB songs into the player. So maybe in your next release can you increase the size check contraint to 2GB.

    Easy one also... You have to edit the file playersize.txt to match your player capacity size. I know, a menu with an option would have been better, but, it was quicker this way for now. Anyway, With Java 6 that is out, the capacity of a disk is now available, So maybe we will base one of the next major version on JAVA 6 instead of JAVA 5 ...


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