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    Sound Professional Mic Amp

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  1. Yes you can have the transferred files saved as .wav files in the location of your choice and edit them to your hearts content outside anything Sony tries to restrict you with. Personally I use Adobe Audition for trimming the ends, and fixing any transients. I also use it to mark and name tracks in the wav file. Audition also saves in lossy formats for my day to day use on the PC. I then use Cuelist Tool to create a cue file that EAC uses to burn cd's. I then save the wav, peak file and cue file to an external drive. After a while you can get pretty efficient at processing a show. I'm sure others have their own rituals/systems. This has worked well for me over the last year during which I have recorded over 100 sets. Audition may be overkill for live recordings and you might get away with free stuff like Audacity if all you are doing is trimming and track marking. I got it originally when I was digitising my vinyl and the other tools were really useful.
  2. I have this problem regularly. And on HiMD discs that are new or old [none are more than 1 year old or have been used more than 100 times]. Sometimes it is probably recording screeches on the disc or sometimes it seems to be on discs that were recorded in a crowd and the recorder was jostled while recording. But whatever reason might be I have always found that the solution is to make a mark somewhere on the recording. Simple as that. I tape live shows and i might have a 40 min recording that craps out in the transfer at some point [not usually the same spot] but if i take the minidisk off the usb cable, play the disc for a few minutes and then simply press the Mark button the reconnect to the usb cable it will transfer OK. As I process all my recordings on Audition after conversion to wavs it doesn't matter to me where I Mark as I can rejoin easily. If you use SS only it may make sense to Mark at track boundaries. Try the end of the forst track and see if that works. I have on one occasion split a recording up into 4 pieces but in the end i got it all. I haven't lost a recording yet. In facxt as I write this the recording i made last night is downloading after I split it into two pieces because the single file wouldnt download. in this case it failed almost immediately and i suspect it was a transient screech in the first minute of the recording. Don't know why it works [presumably its a glitch in the file table rather than the actual tracks given that all you are doing is re-writing the track info, not any part of the data itself] Hope this helps. btw I have a MZ-NH600. not too high tech but it works for me [and its cheap enough if i break it i can get another one at least till stocks run out
  3. That's a good theory till you go to big day out and there's 8 bands you want to take home. Which is why I have 10 HiMDs and 6 batteries. got to get me more batteries. nothing worse than the machine stopping before the music. apart from dropping your unit on the driveway. that sucks. wives are surprisingly unsympathetic sometimes.
  4. Not often I can say "It's cheaper in Oz" but i got aMZ-NH600 in Nov 06 for AUD$99 + $11 p+p [That's GB45] and when i dropped it last week and it died [so I don't know about knockabout] I replaced it 2 days later with another at the same price. MZ-NH600 in Oz Unfortunately they only post to Aust/NZ as well but if you have any friends in Oz I'm sure the post to UK isn't GB30 The reason it took 2 days not 1 was that they were out of stock and had more coming in. There must be a warehouse of tese things somewhere cause they arent current models and the guy didnt think they'd be running out soon. It's my first minidisc and for a cheapie it works real good.
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