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Is Simple Burner 2 better than SB1?

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Hey guys, long time, no post...

Anyway, I was wondering if SB2 is any better than SB1. Sony is somewhat notorious for releasing new software that is no better (and in fact sometimes worse) than the previous version and I was wondering if there have been a lot of problems with it. Is it worth the upgrade?

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Hey man, welcome back. Hope you like the new digs. :happy:

First off, to use the latest version of SB, you have to use Sonicstage 2.#. What version of Sonicstage are you using? If you're using the old 1.5, then that's what you should upgrade..

btw, SB 2 compared to 1 is pretty much nil, maybe a few bugs were fixed but it's pretty much for Hi-MD compatibility.

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I'm updated to 2.2 and planning to update to 2.3 for better mp3 support. I've read that current MD isn't gonna be able to support mp3 through firmware because the decoder chip is atrac only. Meh, maybe the next wave of units will feature chips that can decode mp3, or possibly other formats like ogg vorbis. That would ROCK, but I don't see it happening. Bummer deal.

Curiosity is forcing me to upgrade, heh heh. We'll see how it turns out.

Yeah dude, forum looks great, the quick reply feature is a major upgrade. Sa-wheat!

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Just to follow up, there actually is one significant performance difference between SB1 and 2. With SB1, there's TOC edit before and after every single friggin song, which takes FOREVER. SB2 doesn't do this. Instead, it just continues flashing "Data Save" while the MD unit is waiting for the computer to encode the audio. IMO, this is HUGE, because it dramatically increases simple burner speeds to the point where the MD unit isn't the bottleneck anymore, it's now your computer's processing speed. That was one SB thing that pissed me off since day 1 of NetMD and I'm thrilled to see if fixed. Rock on!

btw, I don't know if this matters, but this was tested on my MZ-N10 and I can't say if the same behavior is demonstrated on other models.

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