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Mz-nf520d Not Burning!

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Hey everyone

I recently purchased a used NF520D from a friend. It appeared to be in good condition and it 15 dollars + 5 discs, I thought it would be ok. He assured me it burned before using RealPlayer

Guess what, it doesnt.

It plays back all teh discs he's given me, but any discs I make dont playback. It acts as if everything went well. But when I go to playback, after 10 seconds it stops playing and starts skipping really badly

Methods tried:

new software(Sonicstage, SimpleBurner, RealPlayer 11)

codec reinstall

cleaning the player head with a Maxell MD-CL cleaner

Anything else left to try or should I return the unit as dead?

Thanks for all your help

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what would SP2 do?

for one it protects your computer from thousands of possible vulnerbilities

secondly it installs a pop-up blocker in Internet Explorer

thirdly it makes WinXP much more stable.

A service pack is basically a package of small patches that are applied all at once.

If you have WinXP you almost *need* to have SP2

you can get it by going to the Windows Update link in your Start Menu or by opening Internet Explorer and clicking Tools > Windows Update

once on the site click either express or custom, it'll scan your computer for the updates it nees and then all you have to do is click download

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Aside from what ROMBUSTERS has mentioned, it also upgrades MDAC, JET database and a few other backend applications that Sonicstage employs to run correctly. With SP2, I am assured that those things are not causing the issue in this situation.

it also fixes the problem some users experience with a security patch downloaded pre-sp2

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