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Jogwheel Broken On My Nh700!

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The other day I picked up my nh700 to listen to some hip tunes only to find the jog wheel would turn but have no response on the player!

I bought it last august so it's still within warranty here in australia, but what really sucks is this is almost the same as what happened to my previous md, the N505. My n505 still works fine except for the four way digital pad which is unresponsive and pushing a button rarely gives the correct response.

Has anyone else had button woes?

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Got this same problem too, it is probably the gears inside that are broken as the wheel should still work if it is pushed down and turned at the same time on the bottom left corner.

ps, the (only used once) remote doesn't work anymore as well so what could be wrong there ???

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Yeah, same problem as you tartan, the wheel works if I apply significant pressure, and it clicks and turns without pressure, just no response. I didn't think it had any gears it though, I thought the back of the jogwheel would just have little bumps that click down a small switch in the face. I really can't think how it would get detached.

Mine is still under warranty, so I handed it to a service center yesterday. No service manual so I can't speculate any further. But for now, I'm back to my MZ-N505. *sigh* ...good times, good times.

About your remote, when the remote for my N505 got smashed by being dangled out of a car door for a day I opened it up just for kicks. Actually it was only the plastic external buttons that got smashed and the remote works fine if you press the metal buttons on the pcb. If you want to take a look inside, the remote for the NH700 is actually quite simple, I'm sure you could open it up and poke around. Try pressing the circular metal buttons with your fingernail to test if the circuit is broken or if the plastic buttons are missing their targets.

The other thing with the remote is that the wires could be broken. If you have a multimeter, you could check continuity between the wires soldered to the pcb and the contacts on the minidisc end plug. Maybe one of the solder joints has come loose.

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