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55,000 Character Limit - Is it Expandable?

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I'm new to HiMD and to this forum. Bought a refurb NH600 at a Sony Store, got it home & loved the concept but hated the display, so went for a new RH10, and love the display & the sound, but am having titling problems on 1GB disks - the 55,000 character limit fills up when the recording space on disk itself is only about 80% full. I'm trying to get a full disk of classical CDs on at 48 kbps - and painstakingly typing in reduced-character titles doesn't seem to yield enough extra space for even one additional CD. Any ideas of how to get around the 55,000 character limit would be greatly appreciated. This limit is not a problem on 60/74/80 minute discs in HiMD mode, as I'm assuming that they also have the same 55,000 characters for about 1/3 the recording space on a 1GB disc.

Thanks, Rich

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I'm trying to get a full disk of classical CDs on at 48 kbps

Be smarter and record it at 64 kbps or higher. In this way the sound quality is better (48 kbps is verrrry low, specially for classical music), and you are not reaching the limit at all. I have Hi-MD's filled with comedians (32 CD's with all long track titles!) and never had this problem.

Have fun!


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Be smarter and record it at 64 kbps or higher. In this way the sound quality is better (48 kbps is verrrry low, specially for classical music), and you are not reaching the limit at all. I have Hi-MD's filled with comedians (32 CD's with all long track titles!) and never had this problem.

Have fun!


I like a lot of classical music including opera etc -- I find if you transfer CD's to MD's at 256 kbs --- indisinguishable from the CD's almost on ANY equipment you'll get between 8 and 9 CD's per 1GB disk and no probs at all with character limits.

Even if you have to carry 3 disks with you that's equivalent to 24 classical CD's --so should be PLENTY for almost any sort of trip you are likely to make where you want portable music.

If I want "Ipod like" quality I'd drop down to a lower bit rate -- OK for some type of music but for classical you need the highest possible dynamic range and therefore a reasonable bit rate.

Acoustic instruments (guitars, violins, 'cellos, flutes, etc etc.) are much less tolerant of "artifacts" in recordings than a lot of "electronic" music.



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Acoustic instruments (guitars, violins, 'cellos, flutes, etc etc.) are much less tolerant of "artifacts" in recordings than a lot of "electronic" music.

Thanks, Bert & Kyle, for the suggestions. I have already considered the 64kbps alternative. Surprisingly, I haven't heard any "artifacts" - which I assume would be "buzzing" or "raspy" sound -on the RH10 or NH600 as well as my NW-E99 & NWE75 flash players - all using only 48kbps. I'm actually amazed at how GOOD 48 sounds to me on these units!!! I suppose it's time to do a head-to-head comparison of all the bit rates against an original CD to find out the best combination of sound quality versus portability.

Since I wrote the first post, I actually DID fill a 1GB MD (45 CD's!) at 48kbps with a mix of classical, jazz, and pop...I guess the titles were just short enough to fit - but I'm still wondering if the 1st 1GB disk was possibly defective, even though I formatted it a couple of times before recording.

The prospect of being able to do linear PCM recording with a mic makes working out these bugs worthwhile!


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The artifacts in Atrac are different to MP3, Atrac does not produce harsh errors that cause a tinny-ness to music, it produces a washy effect that seems to blurr the music and makes it swim around abit. Its most noticable, I find, on instrumental music. Anything accoustic I have to record at LP2 rates or it sounds wrong to me.

Best thing I can think of would be to record a track you know very well 5 times onto a disc, one at PCM, one at Hi-SP, one at LP2 (132Kbps), one at Hi-LP 64k and one at Hi-LP 48k. Put the MD onto random and see which one sounds the best to you. (remeber to label them but DONT LOOK at the display while listening)

Edited by Qwakrz
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