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MZ-RH10 pre-purchase questions

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G'day to all. I am a current (and happy) owner of an MZ-NH900, teetering on the brink of buying an MZ-RH10 and I have a cupla quick queries:

  1. Does anyone know if the A/C adapter that comes with the MZ-RH10 is compatible with the MZ-NH900...i.e. are they interchangable with both models, so I could keep one at home, one at the office, etc.? In looking at the model nos. at DAPC, they are off slightly (ES3010K for the NH900 vs. ES3010K2 for the RH10), and one is $10 cheaper than the other.

  2. Japanese vs. US...the colors, cradle & remote that comes with the JP version are nifty, but add about $100 (Audio Cubes vs. etronics prices). Additionally, Audio Cubes' site seems to be pushing an optional $30 transformer (free with $400 purchase, so I guess adding a few extra gumsticks and a wall charger would do the trick) to make sure the JP unit is getting the appropriate charging voltage. Do U.S. users of the Japanese version feel this transformer is necessary?

  3. Are the dry battery boxes interchangeable between the NH900 and the RH10, such that I won't have to make sure I keep them separate?

Many thanks.

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[*]Does anyone know if the A/C adapter that comes with the MZ-RH10 is compatible with the MZ-NH900...i.e. are they interchangable with both models, so I could keep one at home, one at the office, etc.? In looking at the model nos. at DAPC, they are off slightly (ES3010K for the NH900 vs. ES3010K2 for the RH10), and one is $10 cheaper than the other.

--> If you purchased the Japanese version of MZ-RH10, you can certainly employ its standard worldwide AC Adaptor with the MZ-NH900 with no detrimental effects.

[*]Japanese vs. US...the colors, cradle & remote that comes with the JP version are nifty, but add about $100 (Audio Cubes vs. etronics prices). Additionally, Audio Cubes' site seems to be pushing an optional $30 transformer (free with $400 purchase, so I guess adding a few extra gumsticks and a wall charger would do the trick) to make sure the JP unit is getting the appropriate charging voltage. Do U.S. users of the Japanese version feel this transformer is necessary?

--> Avoid AudioCubes and try buyfromjapan (search within the forum for member's shopping experience with buyfromjapan); it's somewhat cheaper. And you do not need an additional transformer - as Japanese MZ-RH10 comes bundled with standard worldwide 110-240V AC Adaptor. Bottom line, the transformer is not necessary with the MZ-RH10 if you import from Japan.

I am not certain of your last query. Perhaps someone else can answer that.

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Unfortunately the battery case is of a totally different design for the RH10 and the NH900. I have both and have tried it. Probably to do with the realignment of the RH10's input/output jacks, but no, the battery packs can't be interchanged between the NH900 and the RH10.

The AC adapter is exactly the same for the two units, however (3V @1A) with the same size DC jack and polarity.

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Thanks for your excellent & timely replies. I'd seen the suggested eBay seller's listings recently, and was favorably impressed with his considerable 100% feedback.

One follow-up thought/query...I think I've read elsewhere previously but...I'm here now. I am guessing that Sony USA doesn't honor warranties on Japanese products, and I'd have to return a Japanese version to Japan for warranty service? Would the same apply to out-of-warranty repair?

Now, for a more practical "domestic" consideration...how to get this past the Spousal Unit with minimal noise and risk of physical harm (a rhetorical question there, not calling for reply, though creative suggestions welcome). I use the MD to record our kids' concerts so I have tried variations on the "It's all for you, dear" theme, with the expected negative results. She's not about electronics, let alone redundancy in electronics. Might just have to buck-up and take my licks...

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Thanks for your excellent & timely replies. I'd seen the suggested eBay seller's listings recently, and was favorably impressed with his considerable 100% feedback.

One follow-up thought/query...I think I've read elsewhere previously but...I'm here now. I am guessing that Sony USA doesn't honor warranties on Japanese products, and I'd have to return a Japanese version to Japan for warranty service? Would the same apply to out-of-warranty repair?

Yes, that's correct. Sony USA will not honor Japanese warranty; you will need to request "buyfromjapan" to facilitate warranty service. As for out-of-warranty repair service, Sony USA may service it for a fee but you should enquire in advance about this. Otherwise, you will need to ship it back to Japan.

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Thanks once again, for confirming that information.

After all of my deliberations, though the Japanese models are more attractive for their colors and accessories, I am likely to go with the U.S. model. I have some AMEX points that are burning a hole in my pocket and etronics is a participating vendor. Plus, I can still use my RM-MC40ELK remote with it, so I won't be too sad or disabled not to have the lipstick LCD remote that comes with the JP version.

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