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IDEA for New Hi-md Walkman

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This is a Idea i have

Would you not like to have a Hi-md walkman

with Tactile Buttons (just moving fingers over a Flat surface)

I am not talking about Membrane technology

but real Heat-sensor that detect finger movement

making no need for any buttons

This technology (Seen on Startrek)

has alredy been used in some things like

Vitroceramic Cooking plates, A Olympus mp3 player

and now a LG Mobile phone.

Is realy Nice design, i though this can be used in a Minidisc Recorder.

Here is a photo of Mp3 player and Mobile phone with Heat sensor

Goodbye Buttons:

IPB Image

(be aware that the image is in noway trying to advertise for Mp3 players)

I know Sony can do some realy nice design sometimes

maybe they can try Heat-sensor flat-buttons on a Md unit.

If just Sony was reading this, it would be a great idea to use.

Also SONY may have the Heat-sensor technology

Just look at the Playstation 3 buttons

why not add such buttons to a Minidisc walkman?

IPB Image

With a heat-sensor panel, which is part of the minidisc

much of buttons problems (Caused by dust or tired units) can be solved.

Yes, people have to get used to this, but is easy if you just learn it.

(You can practice with you vitroceramic cooking plate , it has such buttons :)

I just though it would put the idea out there

if any Industry (specialy SONY) can use it, feel free to do so.

My Suggestion is when releasing a Minidisc with Heat-sensor buttons

to do Big Advertising about the design

to make people run to the shop and buy it.

A Very fantastic design mixed with Advertising would be perfect income

for a company (such as Sony).

My suggestion is make the Minidisc unit either Black or Silver

make the Heat-sensor Tuch buttons lights either Blue or red

(if you can change between several lights it would be even better)

Let me know what you think of the idea?

Edited by ILoveMinidisc
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This is a Idea i have

Would you not like to have a Hi-md walkman

with Tactile Buttons (just moving fingers over a Flat surface)

non-tactile, you mean? I think it would be awful and result in many error pressings. The whole point of tactile feel is the reassurance and feel you get from (without looking, if necessary) hitting the right buttons in the dark, in your pocket, whatever.

Regarding certain Hi-MD models faulty button behaviour over time: All this can be avoided if the designers/enginneers designed the units without cutting costs at every conceivable turn (ie. not making all the buttons connect to on one piece of warpable plastic, if I recall correctly). I have never seen any problems on any oldskool MD units (owned the MZ-R3, and was given an MZ-R70 a while ago (collecting dust) which has never faulted after years of use). Great engineering. Tactile buttons.

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I think I like MD units just the way they are. They could perhaps have three major designs:

-"Serious" (black, silver...)

-"Cool" (Ipodish, or whatever you may consider cool)

-"Funny" (I don't know...like a pink unit, with Hello Kitty's prints, or comic's heroes prints, for "boys"...)

Well. I guess the marketing section of Sony could do much better.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I kinda like the "skins" idea for a 3rd-gen Hi-MD recorder - maybe a snap-on front-panel for different moods, designs, etc.?

Not so sure about the heat-sensor buttons, though...hot summer weather might wreak havoc on your controls unless you remembered the Hold button! :blink:

Other things I'd like to see on a 3rd-generation Hi-MD recorder:

- OPEN BITRATE CHOICE using a jog dial. When I record, I want to be able to cycle through possible bitrates from 48kbps -> PCM, including the bitrates supported by SS but NOT the unit itself.. :blink: (MP3 as well, maybe?)

- GROUNDED AC ADAPTORS so that one can record indefinitely off wall-plug power WITHOUT annoying electric hum in the background! (PLEASE SONY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!)

- To add to the above note..it would also be nice to record using a remote like, say, the MC40ELK without picking up interference from the remote itself. Hmmm? ;)

- Just throwing this out as a random thought - why not incorporate a small HD into the unit toenable you to, if youwant, copy some key music/data to the HD for frequent use, but switch to MD or copy it to MD at will? This would probably impact on the unit size, but I dunno...just thought of it now.

How about let's have a constructive brainstorm session on this (if we haven't already?) and give Sony some of our own ideas??



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