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WTB: Onkyo Minidisc recorder

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You'd like an Onkyo MD deck in the same series of the other components you own, full-size and black, according to what you're suggesting with the MD-2321 model as possible option:

I wish you good luck in finding one or the other, as they have been produced in limited number. However, if you're willing to accept a silver coloured deck, there always the MD-133 that can be had. It is Hi-MD capable, but also MDLP, and unlike the MD-105FX, it is full sized.

Yes, you are correct, that is exactly what I am looking for. I have also tried to acquire the MD-2511 model from Europe, but that to as been equally as difficult. I will look into the MD-133 as you have suggested, thank you.

In the mean time, still WTB, as topic header states :)

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  • 4 months later...

Looking for Onkyo MD-2521 or MD-2321 (or any other full size Onkyo MD) Minidisc recorder / deck.

If have and looking to sell, please email me model number, condition, location, and asking price.

Really looking to buy so that can top of my Onkyo set.

misterputz I have a MD-2321 that I never use and was gonna throw on ebay or craigslist until I saw your post. Check your email for details.

EDIT: I just tried to email you and got the message "Sorry, you are not permitted to send an email via this board." I guess I'll have to send you PM instead

Edited by shodulik
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