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Best way to store my spare batteries

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I've got a couple of spare LIP-4WM Li-Ion batteries which I intend to keep in storage until the ones which are currently in use can't hold sufficient charge any more.

I'm sure I've read somewhere that the best thing is to put them in the fridge; is this right? Also, should they be fully/ partially charged or completely discharged when put into storage?

Any other tips would be very welcome.

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I am interested in the answers to these questions as well. I recently bought a handful of knock-off LIP-4s myself, hoping to extend my ability to power my RH1 into the future. I have heard of the battery in the freezer also, I do not know if there is any real scientific basis for this idea or not ...

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Guest Talisin

[bump] Anybody?????

Well, I'l try to answer using what I have learnt from many guides and from some jobmates here in highschool that teach quimics: Best way to keep batteries (both NI-MH and Li-ion) is charging them till 40%, and keep in fridge (warning, not freezer) inside a hermetic bag.

This way, a battery can lost about of 9-10% life in two years, while in other conditions it would loss till a 25% (I can confirm this, cause I have two identical -date-made and date-buyed- and I have give one of them this treatment and not to the other, and the difference is important.

I hope this could help you, and hope someone could bring more information about this :D

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