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MDS-30 Magnetic Head Problems.

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Hello guys, I'm relatively new to the forum.

I recently bought two decks, one of them an MDS-S30 (A.K.A MDS-302).

I noticed that the device can normally reproduce the disc already recorded by another device, however when I put it to record, it behaves normally as if it were recording, in the end, when it will write the TOC, it informs that it was recorded, but it damages the TOC and everything else is already recorded on the disc. I opened the device and it has no parts of the magnetic reading head. does anyone know where to get or find a new one to put this deck in recording mode again?

In my searchs, the part number is 1-500-175-11 and is the same used on the MDS-302, MDS-JA3ES and MDS-303, but the 1-500-304-21 part number is compatible too.


If anyone know where i can find this two partnumbers, i will be glad!




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The OWH is broken, and the tip with the magnetic coil is missing.

This spare part is practically non-existing these days - even if you find one, might cost 100+ USD or more... You can try to look for donor machines from your list (might also be rare and expensive), but beware, this very part is often busted in these decks :-( .

If you allow one comment: the S30 is such an old machine, and is not particularly excellent when it comes to recording (see how ATRAC evolved over the years). For the money you would spend on a spare part or a donor machine ("uncertainty included"), you could buy a way better deck - say an S50, but even an S40 or an S38 is already better in many terms, than the S30. Just a thought.

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The OWH is broken, and the tip with the magnetic coil is missing.

This spare part is practically non-existing these days - even if you find one, might cost 100+ USD or more... You can try to look for donor machines from your list (might also be rare and expensive), but beware, this very part is often busted in these decks :-( .

If you allow one comment: the S30 is such an old machine, and is not particularly excellent when it comes to recording (see how ATRAC evolved over the years). For the money you would spend on a spare part or a donor machine ("uncertainty included"), you could buy a way better deck - say an S50, but even an S40 or an S38 is already better in many terms, than the S30. Just a thought.


Well, I think it's better to sell this machine as a donor and keep the other unit I bought together, it's an S50, and it's working really well! Or keep it just for an MD player machine. Thank you for your opinion, I agree with you that it is economically unviable.

Thanks for the honest answer, greetings from Brazil.

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