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S706 Artwork size?

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What is the optimum size for album art on the s700 series?

Hi there, I wouldn't bother with 500 x 500 album art on the 700 series, because the display area is not big enough to appreciate the extra detail.

You can try both sizes to see if you can tell the difference, but I couldn't tell on mine. It's nice that it displays album art, but it's really not big enough to justify large file sizes (in my opinion)

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Thanks Juli...I guess I should have been more clear with my Question :

Does anyone know what size the s700 uses AFTER the image has been scaled down by Sonicstage?

I want to create custom artwork but prefer to shrink it myself (in photoshop to retain detail) instead of letting Sonicstage do it.

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Although I don't have one of the S700 series, the A800 series uses three different sizes: 200x200, 96x96 and 32x32. I would hazard a guess that, by looking at pictures of the S700 series, they use 32x32-sized images. Assuming that the S700 and A800 use a similar file structure, you could always open My Computer, navigate to the "OMGAUDIO" folder of your device and then find one of the folders that contains the album art (should be named something like "20P0A"). That shold help in determining the right size.

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