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Cover art displaying in WMP but not NWZ

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I have seen lots of posts all over the internet about people having problems getting cover art to display on a NWZ using WMP 11 when the art did dsiplay in WMP. I haven't seen anyone (who had the art displaying in WMP but not on the walkman) who could fix the problem, just people who never had a problem with it.

Did anyone who has the cover art displaying in WMP 11 and found that it didn't show up in the walkman find a way to fix this?

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Yes I had same problem with some album art. The only way I found to resolve it was to in WMP11 to choose the album in question, highlight the songs, right click and choose 'advanced tag editor', click the pictures tab and add the art you want. This seems to embed the art into each file/song. If this doesn't work let me know as I have had a couple of unusal situations which has required me to remove all tag info from a file etc.

The best way to avoid any issues is to use ripping software that embeds album art when the songs are ripped. I use dbpoweramp which works well.

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My music was ripped using Windows Media Player and I transfer it to the walkman using the Sync feature.


Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried this without success. The cover art has always been visible in WMP ever since it was first ripped. I also added it in the advanced tags editor. I am trying to get this to work without reripping. Am I not being realistic?

When you were experiencing this problem, was the cover art visible in WMP before you used the advanced tags editor?

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Hmm. Interesting development. I just tried telling WMP not to convert my files and after synchronising, the cover art showed up properly. Unfortunately, I get the message "Cannot play; file format is not supported"

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Hmm. Interesting development. I just tried telling WMP not to convert my files and after synchronising, the cover art showed up properly. Unfortunately, I get the message "Cannot play; file format is not supported"

What were the files you told it not to convert? wma lossless? Or something else?

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Yes, I unintentionally ripped them as WMA lossless. I have ripped another album as Variable Bit Rate and, after using the advanced tag editor to add the art to each song (why oh why isn't this automatic) I am getting cover art on my walkman on that are playable.


Add conversion to the list of things that can separate you from your cover art.

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