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  1. Please do! but yah... i ordered that case from that other thread from the sony accessory site... hopefully its the right one *crosses fingers*
  2. stitch? trip to hobby shop? thats way too many steps already.... "click buy" thats what i need
  3. yah... i knew it was the case that came packaged with some of the Mz-N10 units... but i can't find any info on the bag itself.... closest I've come was that it can be ordered from http://servicesales.sel.sony.com/web/index.jsp with the part number 322830011 but there isn't any other info saying that its the correct bag, and the picture thats provided on that site seems like it was meant to be viewed with a magnifying glass. anyone got more info on it or any other good bags?
  4. anyone know the model of that case and where to buy it?
  5. sigh... closest decent case i've seen was posted in another forum http://audiotstation.com/forum/showthread....ommend+RH1+case
  6. Anyone know a good case for the Mz-Rh1?
  7. I also recently ordered a Mz-Rh1... but from minidisco.... i went looking for my old Mz-R900 a week ago from storage and it still sounds awesome.
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