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  • Sony Products I Own
    ZS-M35 CD/MD bookshelf system, MZ-RH10 walkman

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  1. Hi. I just got my new Walkman X, loving it so far - even though it
  2. I have to say, this is sort of a dealbreaker for me. I currently use my MD Walkman to mainly listen to albums and I would probably do this a lot with the X as well. But, if I upgrade I
  3. Wondering about this myself. This is Sony
  4. Yeah... I just wish you would be able to change the language of the Japanese versions of these. Oh well...
  5. Question (for Shanie mostly): Do you think it will be possible to flash a Japanese bought X1060 with another firmware, to get the player to work in English?
  6. Yeah, I had a feeling you might understand Japanese. Point got through though, the rest of us are restricted to buying our player from another territory. I was originally hoping to buy it from my Ebay guy in Japan. Why import it from Japan though? Is it just a matter of price? Edit| Shanie´s Sony Style link has this written in the product description: "Direct internet connectivity via WiFi, YouTube streaming, Podcasts direct downloading and website browsing". I guess there are many ways to browse a website, but that quote should mean the model will feature at least a basic browser. And that the journal du geek pic is what we´ll get.
  7. I was told by one (reputable) EBay seller that current japanese Walkman-products only have their menus in Japanese, and that it isn´t possible to change the language to English.
  8. I was thinking one could bump up the output level to "line out" level with a headphone amp.
  9. Would a headphone amp solve this problem?
  10. Can we asume anything about the transfer method (between a computer and the walkman)? Will it be MTP/'no-software' transfer like recent models. I´m moving house in awhile and will only have an Ubuntu(Linux) laptop as my main computer. I´d like to know if I can still use this Walkman with that PC.
  11. I asked the local Sony Center about "the new touchscreen Walkman released at CES", and they said they think it´ll be here (Finland) in March. Okay, random guys working at a Sony Cennter... I know, not the most reliable source. But it´s something.
  12. OK, I have to stop editing that last post. The press-release mentions 12 hours of music playback for the W-series and says nothing about the X series. Maybe pocketables.net got them mixed up? edit: Yeah, what juli said
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