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  1. I guess I was a in a bit of a fuss and thought I mentioned the model. I bought the MZRH1, and yeah, I did open SonicStage. Under Transfer (even with my MD recoder connected via cable, the list says "create Audio CD, ATRAC CD, MP3 CD" there is no mention of HI MD. I also went into My Computer to see if I could see whether or not the computer recognized it, and there was nothing.
  2. I just bought my first minidisc recorder, and having played around with some recording I went to upload the music onto my computer and....nothing. I downloaded the disc that came with it (getting SonicStage and MD Simple Burner), followed the directions in the instruction booklet ("Connect "the recorder to computer through the USB cable."), and waited...and waited... I even downloaded the disc and then tried it with my mother's computer. Nothing. Any advice? I'm hoping its not the machine itself, because I need to take it with me out of the coutry in a couple weeks.
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