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Everything posted by MartMD

  1. Well the procedure in the post did the trick. SS working now as well as it ever did on file transfer, thank you very much Stephen. MartMD
  2. The 707 works fine with thw mic recording, as suggested, so any advice on driver cleaup and reinstall? I have tried uninstalling in the usual way. MatMD
  3. Thank you Stephen. I have tried several discs and 2 hardware devices already, but given your reply i shall do as you suggest and home in on the hardware issue. I very much appreciate yourreply Martyn.
  4. Hi everyone I am now stumped. Am I missing something, I wonder I cannot get Sonic stage to transfer files past 95% to my MD MZN707, or MZN510,which I tried to check for a hardware error with different discs, etc.. I looked fully at the forum, and uninstalled SS4.3/ reinstalled Avrin's version but alas I cannot transfer. A lot of discussion re Win 64 bit but I have a 32 bit version and am still banjaxed. I have tried compatibility modes but these cause more problems.Could any of you kind souls please offer help and advice? I used SS with XP for many years without huge problems. I also notice the playback of mp3 files via SS is poor quality, scratchy sound,not heard in other player software not sure if this is relevant data. Thanks
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