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  1. So, today I visited a german Apple-Seller (right word for this?) "Gravis" and they where so kind to let me try out the Sony on one of their Macs. And it was exactly the same behaviour: I took the MP3s from my computer and it said the same error message :-( I think I'm gonna sell the RH1. That's too much money for a unit where only half of the features are working :-(
  2. No, as you can read: It's all on the Mac! I import the recorded files to my Mac-Desktop (this works without problems) but when I want to import a MP3 to the RH1 using Hi-MD-Music-Transfer I get the error-message mentioned above. He doesn't like my MP3s :-( What I even don't understand: The MP3s are all in the same format and some (2 out of 50) are recognized and transferred to the RH1?!
  3. I converted it on iTunes and it plays on every other mp3-compatible system :-( I can't understand this ... I already reinstalled the Sony-Software on my Mac but nothing changes. I don't have any idea regarding this and it's very awful because my lovely vaio pocket hit the floor a few days ago :-(
  4. My MP3s are all the same: 16bit, 44,1kHz, 160kbit/s unprotected (my own library ripped from my CDs). And the RH1 is still unhappy with this :-( Any ideas? 325 Euros for such a thing is much money ...
  5. Hi, I've got a problem with my little baby. I have a MZ-RH1 connected to a Mac (Intel) running OS 10.4.x with Hi-MD-Music Transfer 2.x installed. I can export the recorded files without any problems but when I try to import MP3s to the RH1 it says on nearly all MP3-files: "Download failed! The source data can not be read!" I just had 4 files that he importet properly. :-( What's wrong with that? I checked the files and they are ok as they're all in the same mp3-format, no file lock or s.th. else. I can't understand the logic behind this behaviour?!
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