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Everything posted by PushingMe

  1. All of them are in Hi-MD format (either Hi-SP or PCM). The problem is that those MDs should transfer with SonicStage but an error occurs and they don't so I need another way to transfer them such as a MD deck with a digital out.
  2. I'm searching for another way to transfer digitally. I use SonicStage for the other recordings but this ones won't transfer with the program.
  3. Hello everybody, So here's my problem. I recorded live shows with my MZ-NH700 Hi-MD recorder but some of those won't transfer with SonicStage because they have an error. I tried analog transfer already but i wasn't happy with the results. The Hi-MD are totally playable on the Hi-MD. So I'm looking for someone who would be able to digitally transfer them without using SonicStage (with a deck or anything). I hope someone can help me. Thanks. Antoine.
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