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  1. Hey dudes, 84 people have read this. Help me out here... if you save a CD as wav under SonicStage 4.0 or later on your PC, then replay it via SonicStage, does it jump from track 1 to track 4? Can't believe 80 minidisc friends haven't wanted to help yet, now you can :-)
  2. Thanks A440 and RoGeR. Interestingly SS4.0 still has this feature! I've tried reordering the tracks on an album (great idea), yet the increment it jumps in a wav saved album still appears to be three tracks. Can anyone replicate this on their PCs?
  3. Hi, my first post so apologies for not knowing the right format yet. As a dedicated minidiscx user I upgraded recently to Sonicstage CP 4.3 and suddenly all my saved CDs (saved in wav format to keep quality) don't play in correct track order on the PC. If you play track 1, when it gets to the end it'll jump to track 4! It seem to jump three tracks at a time. Shuffle play is not on. Reinstalled SS3.0 and the library plays fine again. Then ripped a CD to wav under 4.3 and the fault is still there. If I convert to an MP3 format it plays sequentially as you'd expect! Anyone come across this please? All advice welcome.
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