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    Sony MZ-N510

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  1. Thank you, can't wait to hear what you think of it. And, speaking off the record: what an incredibly sexy thing... I do hope it lives up to the expectations.
  2. Thanks, both of you. The Zoom H2 looks great, I think I'll wait for it (too bad we're in Europe, this'll take even longer...).
  3. Dear all, I've got a Sony MZ-N510 minidisc recorder which I'd like to use for voice recordings (singing). Now I need to buy a microphone but the player only has a Line-in (optical) connection, no Mic-in. I was told I would need a pre-amp, which would cost another 90 euros... Does anyone know if there's another (more budget) solution? Would a mic with its own power source raise the input level sufficiently to get more or less decent recording quality? Thanks & all best! Meissie
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