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  1. Thanks for the reply, and yes, you're right--I'm planning on using a keyboard for titling and other editing functions. I just need a remote that would basically operate the deck (play, stop, rec., track selections, display, etc.). What I'm wondering is whether the d7m and other "wide" remotes will work with the jb940, i.e. if I press "play" on a d7m pointed at the jb940, will it result in the minidisc playing or not? The key here is d7m's can be found for around $20 on the web whereas d49m's originally supplied with jb940's are quite a bit more expensive ($50-$70 range), so if I can be assured that a d7m will operate my jb940 in its basic functions, then I'll just get a d7m and will not bother spending the extra cash for a d49m.
  2. Hi all! Just bought a used mds-jb940 deck, no remote included. I understand the remote originally packaged with the deck was the rm-d49m. Does anyone know whether other Sony remotes, more particularly the rm-d7m that came with the je500 and je510 decks, will work with the jb940? Thanks.
  3. Thanks for the replies, guys. I've been tracking the 940 and the 350 on eBay for a couple of months and it looks like +/- $250 is the going rate for used units in good/very good condition, with $50-$100 more for like new/mint. At first, I thought the Tascams would fetch quite a bit more than the Sonys, since the 350 is a a "professional" unit and has a higher MSRP than the 940, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Looks like people have been happy with their 940s and are grabbing replacement/backup units while they're still around. As for buying a 940 in England or France (I have family in both countries), I've considered it, but I don't have the technical know-how to try to make the model work on 110v--is that even possible? Finally, I'm not in any particular rush--I just grabbed a JE480 on eBay which will do the trick for now; but I'm looking forward to the optical out and keyboard in of the 350 or 940 when I finally upgrade. In the meantime, if other people want to chime in on either units, it'll be more food for thought in my decision process.
  4. Hi all! My Sony MDS-JE440 is showing signs of fatigue and I'm ready to upgrade. The Tascam MD-350 and Sony MDS-JB940 both have the features that I need/want: MDLP, keyboard in, and optical in and out. I've read quite a few reviews online, but no direct comparison between the two decks. I realize a major difference is the Tascam is still in production whereas Sony has discontinued the 940 a while back, but I'd be over budget if I bought the Tascam new, so I'm looking for used units. Everything else being equal, which one would you recommend? Feedback from members who have experience with both decks would be fantastic but any piece of advice on either of the two units would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  5. Not even. My rh1 is not leaving home, period. If I need to take a hi-md on the road, I'll take my nh-1; if I just need mdlp, I have a couple of sharps dr7s. If you're like me, i.e. you have older MD units and you mainly bought the rh1 to upload your old legacy minidiscs to your computer, I see no reason whatsoever to use the rh1 for anything else. Once again, it's a fine piece of equipment, but it doesn't look sturdy at all (nothing like the nh-1). If the rh-1 is your first MD player/recorder and you have no other options, then good luck to you.
  6. I received my new rh1 two weeks ago. I bought it mostly to upload my legacy recordings to my computer, but I also thought I would take it out on the field and make it my main recording unit (replacing my 2 Sharp dr7s). Well, no doubt the rh1 looks very nice and is a fantastic machine in terms of what it can do, but it also looks like a fairly fragile unit. I'm a careful guy, but I also do a lot of field recordings on my trips, where stuff happens and units get banged around. It didn't take me long to decide that I would simply leave the rh1 at home... and buy a used nh1 to replace my dr7s on field trips. So going out jogging with my rh1? Absolutely no way!
  7. Thanks! Looks like the transition from Sharp to Sony is going to take a bit of fiddling around with the unit, a careful reading of the manual... and a new mindset. I use minidisc for mic sound recordings and I always have my rec volume on "Manual". Well, it looks like each time the recodring stops, the mz-nh1 resets itself to "Automatic". I'll probably have to go into the menus a lot more with the mz-nh1 than I was used to with my Sharps. And I guess I'd better not lose that remote control (I don't use them with the Sharps) if I want to edit my tracks from the unit.
  8. Long time listener, first time caller as they say... I've used Sharp minidisc recorders since 2000. Just bought my first Sony a few days ago--a used mz-nh1. Everything is in perfect working order, except I can't seem to be able to edit my recordings from the unit. When I hit the "Menu" key on the unit, I'm given a choice between "Display", "Option", "REC Set", and "Useful". According to the mz-nh1 manual that I have, there should be a fifth option--an "Edit" option. Well, it's just not there. For what it's worth, I am in "Advanced" menu mode, so my undertanding is all the available options should appear. What am I doing wrong? How do you get to the "Edit" function on the mz-nh1? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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