Hi guys - I've just joined after reading through some of your topics. I'm hoping you can help me. I'm currently starting out on a project where I'll need to record about 6 hours of conversation for the purposes of acoustic-phonetic analysis. I'm considering using Hi-MD as my instrumentation, along with a decent external microphone. I'm seeing that Hi-MD seems to be in decline though - units are sparse and I've noticed the odd discussion on the topic. I'm wondering if you could advise as to how much longer Sony will be producing the format - is it worth me investing now? Secondly, I've found several units available on eBay. Specifically, the MZ-RH10 (comes with mic), MZ-RH910, MZ M100, MZ NHF800, and MZ NH1. Which of these are the most recent and most suitable for field recording purposes? Also, what would be an appropriate price to pay for a decent model? I noticed an MZ-RH1 just went for $310. Any help anybody can offer would be *much* appreciated!