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Everything posted by musicalsari

  1. Didn't need to use my minidisc for a while and totally forgot I'd started this thread. Got the player out as I have to record something tomorrow and remembered the problem. I've managed to upload a recording of the noise when it is in SP mode. Long loud sound at the start followed by other sounds every 3 - 4 minutes during the recording. Any suggestions as to what is going on and where to repair them would be received with thanks. I think it is getting a bit older, even in playback it seems louder, and probably needs a service. http://soundcloud.com/dancingrainbowsari/minidisc-noise/s-WzPwh
  2. Used both a recording head cleaner disk and a lens cleaner disc as I don't even know where the laser lens is let alone how to go about swabbing it with alcohol. The problem is better but the noise is still there. I suppose I could live with it and just record in LP. Any other things I could try?
  3. Thanks for that advice. I've tried a different disk and the noises are still happening but they are less scary sounding. I'm going to order a cleaner disk off ebay and see if that helps.
  4. Have a problem with recording and wondering if anyone can help! In the last recording I did on my NH700 I noticed internal whirring noises / extended "thinking" sounds which occoured every so often. These have not happened before and I've even gone back through old recordings to check. I've done a few tests and discovered the following: In SP mode: whirring happens at a few seconds into the recording and lasts about 10-15 seconds. It occours throughout the recording at regular intervals which range from 3 minutes to 10+ minutes. These sounds vary slightly in length, and volume. In LP mode: whirring happens at the beginning of the recording and continues for about 45 seconds. It is a loud scary sound, but after this has stopped, no other whirring sounds are recorded. In both modes the recording is picked up throughout, there is no silence or missed bits. It is just that I can hear the machine working and it can drown out the recording. It still plays as normal and seems to be working fine apart from this noise. It hasn't been dropped or sat on and the battery was fully charged. Don't understand why this problem would happen differently in different recording modes? If anyone has any ideas or knows someone who is still willing to fix these awesome things I would be grateful. My minidisc and I have been through alot together and I really don't want to say goodbye any time soon!
  5. I'm quite new to the world of minidisc but loving it so far. Was recording an interview with my mz-nh700 and everything seemed to be going fine execpt that the "system file writing" took ages and ended in error. Tried to play the minidisc back to see if the other interviews I had done were ok and it flashes a message "format error disc" then askes "format to record or play? Push yes enter no cancel". Tried inserting a blank minidisc and that seemed to work ok and came up as blank. I havent pressed anything yet as Im too scared to! But what should i do and will it be possible to save my other interviews?! if i push enter will I lose everything? Im very very stupid as I havent got round to backing them up yet. Thanks so much for your help.
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