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Postal Pete

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  1. Meh, I just had a "recording session" with no problems at all. This was after I had again closed all unnecessary processes, but earlier it still crashed when I did that. Now I tried converting and transfering many files at once, too, and it didn't crash. I'm gonna experiment further, but it looks like its some processes that could be conflicting with SS.
  2. Thanks, mate, it seems to have helped the situation! I closed all processes that I figured wouldn't affect the system stability and SonicStage didn't crash anymore. Edit: WOAH!!! Now I had Windows crash and show me a blue screen for a couple of seconds. It said something about a serious error and preventing damage to the data and it was doing something (counting percentages) and then it restarted... I don't even dare to test anything with Sonicstage if my computer crashes and burns every time I try to transfer music.
  3. I'm not talking about one of those pussy "Not responding" crashes where one can use Task Manager to shut down the prog. Yeah, clinical death of the Windows Vista session has to be declared every time I try to transfer a song to my MZ-N707 NetMD player. It usually happens around 40% transfered. I'd really like to use some dirty words to describe how I feel about Sony... I've tried using all kinds of "alternative" software and methods but some of them won't work on Vista and the rest of them won't support my MD player model. So at this moment there is no way whatsoever for me to transfer any songs to the player.
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