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  1. Dear All,... I have owned an MD Player,... and then some years ago, bought a NetMD player thinking that it would solve my dilemma of how to take my MD music off the MDs onto the computer or onto CD, etc. But I didn't realise that the software that came with it only allowed music that was already in the computer only to be transferred on and off,... and existing MDs could not be copied back on to the computer. I was, and still am to some extent an avid fan of the format and lament its demise to some degree. Still, I would like to know of a way to be able to copy my MDs back into the computer or at least on to a CD which could then be ripped back into my computer. Basically, I want those tracks off the MD. How can it be done - !? Simplest possible way? Most appreciated if someone can help solve this dilemma of 3+ years,.... !! Thanks,...
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