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  1. I'm using an MZ-RH1 to transfer old minidiscs (recorded from CD with analogue line in) onto a PC with Win XP SP3. It is very important that the track names are written to the .wav files on the hard disc. But many are not. I do this: in Sonicstage, I click Transfer > Net MD. The numbers of the tracks on the MD appear in the right hand window, I select them all, and click the left arrow to transfer to the PC. All goes smoothly and the .wav files arrive in the right directory. Some but not all of the .wav files have track names. If I then go in the the library inside Sonicstage, right-click one of the items without a track name and click "get CD information", the Sonicstage thinks for a bit and it CAN find the track name. However it does not change the .wav file on the hard disk. The problem may be that these are track names where it thinks there are several alternatives for the track name (though often there are not.) If this (ie several possible alternatives) is the problem, then question is either how to make Sonicstage ask for human input with the track names before it writes to disk, or how to make it change the disk once it has had the human input. But several alternatives may not be the problem - what is for sure is that there are names it can find, but doesn't. Under options there are a few buttons to "get all track info" etc and these are all checked. The bottom line is that I need the track names written into all the .Wav files. Maybe there is even a completely different software to read the database and change the .wav names? All thoughts gratefully received! Many thanks Andy
  2. Thank heavens you told me that! - I had the delusion that optical would preserve the track marks. I've tried doing the track marks manually and it is just impossible. MZ-RH1 here I come! Regards Andy
  3. I need to transfer minidisks to MP3 formal. Other posts tell me that the only quick way to transfer minidiscs to a computer is to buy an MZ-RH1/M200. These are not cheap! If it was cheaper, I could make the transfer in real time, _provided_ the quality of transfer is high and - absolutely essential - the track mark information is preserved. So is there a slower but still digital alternative to the MZ-RH1? My minidisks were made 8 or 10 years ago on an MZ-R35. They are all made from analogue line in so I guess there are no problems with DRM - is that correct? Many thanks! Andy
  4. OK! - trial and error from here, I guess. Many thanks Andy
  5. Apologies if this is the wrong subforum or there is a standard answer somewhere - if so I couldn't find it. I'm about to buy a new PC with built-in AC-97 sound. I have a whole bunch of minidiscs which I want to rip optically, because optical is the only way to get the correct track marks on the ripped version. My minidisc player is about 8 or 9 years old - a big thing like a brick. I don't want to spend a lot of money just to get an optical input. Is there a simple way (ie cheap card or something) which will give me an optical input to the onboard AC-97 and which I can use with standard ripping software? With many thanks Andy
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