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    md 707

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  1. I tried the edit/divide method and when i played the music back on my minidisc it scipped all over the place, i've been on this for weeks now, i think i'll stick to records. cheers for the response. w
  2. thanks for that, i have tried to find Audacity, is it in sonic stage or another software package i have to download, is it in wavepad. if so i cant find out how to transfer music files to a minidisc player. cheers w
  3. my friend asked the question for me last week, due to me being a complete novice with forums and recoeding, buyt in a nutshell my problem is this: i want to record onto my 707 MD player a disco set, ie tracks from various CD's i own, but i dont want the big gaps in between, so that when i play the disc the musics is played with minimal space between the tracks. i have battle with sonicstage for over a week now and got nowhere, i have been told that it can be done. any help much appreciated. w
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