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  1. No problem... Leopard runs fine. 10.5.1 is pretty stable and Hi-MD software works on it as well... I doubt there will be an update for Hi-MD Transfer app, because I have heard Sony abandoned its development. We'll see...
  2. You don't need to separate or remove anything. Leave it in you Applications folder, just foloow these steps: 1. Run the installer and install both: Monitor and Transfer apps. 2. Then go to System Preferences/Accounts/Login Items and delete Hi-MDmonitor from the list. 3. Open Activity monitor, find and quit the process, or restart computer That's it... Next time you connect your Hi-MD unit to your computer you have to start Hi-MD Transfer manually, everything else works great.
  3. I installed Hi-MD Transfer v2 on MacBook Pro (with Leopard, 10.5.1), connected mz-rh1, started the Hi-MD Transfer app and everything works. I don't use the HI-MD monitor, because it's PPC only application and runs as daemon in background so it's better to start Hi-MD Transfer manually. Anyway, importing/exporting work with no problems here.
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