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    sony mz-nh600

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi all I was just searching microphones on ebay and came across a binaural microphone and battery box set made buy a guy named john ramsey at quite a reasonable price. I was just wondering whether anyone as heard of him or has bought any equipment from him. He also has a website www.audioreality.com cheers
  2. well i was going to get the mini battery module that is under the recommended accessaries list for the BMC-2's but it seems that they only come in 12v. i had a look at the other modules and came across the 'create your own' module which i guess is the one you were looking at. the #5 case is 9v so this i guess this is the one i should get but i will call them to make sure. thanks again for your help
  3. awesome!!! thanx so much for your great advice. i have now decided to get my gear from sound professionals. i just have one small question when i was ordering the mini battery module (sound professionals) it asked me to select a cable option and im not exactly sure which one i need. can you help me out
  4. hi all, i am a newbie to this forum and also to live recording. i just recently purchased a sony mz-nh600 and am wondering what type of equipment i should get for the particular concerts i will be recording. my first recording will be a rage against the machine concert and am also planning to hit a few outdoor festivals this summer (im in the southern hemishere). i have my eyes set on a pair of core sound binaurals but i would like here of any advice as to whether these are the most appropriate for this type of recording. if you could also recommend any other addons i should get that would be fantastic. cheers
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