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Everything posted by george7749

  1. Thanks to all, I have managed to get the sony software to work and actually transfer some of my itunes library. I am very grateful to all so thanks for your time and thoughts. I have a further query, is it possible to use the RH1 to format standard MDs in 80 minute format. It is because my Yamaha deck only plays this format and it would be a an easy way to put together some of my compilations. Kind regards George
  2. Hi, I have three, they are: MZ-710, MZ-NH600 MZ-RH1 Thanks George
  3. Hi, I would appreciate some help with software. I do run sonic stage on XP professional using visualization on my mac. My preference would be to use an OSX native program if such a program exists. It is a shame that that Sony has not provided a meaningful application to give mac users less incentive to use the IPod. I can live with this arrangement if this is as good as gets, but I would be grateful to hear from any one about potential other software solutions. Got to say had I been a PC user I would have to say that sonic stage sucks as an application, so if there is something better I would be glad to know. Kind regards George
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