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Everything posted by pichoczka

  1. Hello, It's quite difficult to explain the situation, but I will try. So, since two weeks without any visible reason my MZ-RH1 refuse to save information recorded with mic to MD (not Hi-MD)... The process of saving (SystemFILE WRITING) takes about 15 minutes without any succes - at the end of this process I always receive "REC ERROR". I was trying all the possibilities of menu - format / erase / rec settings. From time to time, It works, but only till changing the MD. Or, once succesfully recorded information, after few hours become inaccessible : I record - I save - I listen - then I switch off - then I listen again and again - then I switch off - DISC FORMAT ERROR... I can not find any system in "works / doesn't work"... Please, help.
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