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    Sony MDS-JE510

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  1. I took the 510 apart last night. After loading a disc it appears it does not spin. I assume the disc needs to spin in order for any data including the TOC to be read? Any ideas?
  2. yeah i know... but i would like to see if i can fix it.....
  3. I have a Sony MDS-JE510 deck which I use in my band to play pre-recorded sequences. It has performed flawlessly Since I bought it in 1997. However the other day I switched it on and was greeted by a 'DISC ERROR' message. I have tried several Discs and all result in the same ' DISC ERROR' message. When I insert a disc I see the usually READING TOC message this remains for maybe 20-30 seconds then the disc error message appears. Does anyone have any ideas or should i just junk it?
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