tbh i thought that MD was a dead format. i don't have an portable mp3 player and still use my old discman. now i make music which would generally be considered to be lo-fi. i have been recording onto a portable cassette player and it works excellently for what i want to do. but recently i stumbled upon a thread on a music forum where somebody mentioned that they used MD to record all of their stuff, i got interested and here i am. i am basically interested in a MD recorder that is good quality. im in the UK and would be ordering off the internet but don't want to order an item second hand because i've had bad experiences in the past. i have a few general questions about the MD format -how much material can each disc hold?? i've heard that up to 20 albums can fit onto one minidisc but the minidiscs ive seen for sale all are at 80 mins?? -do you basically record straight into the device and are minidiscs rewritable?? ive seen a MD recorder on amazon.co.uk with USB (Sony MD Walkman MZ-RH1 - Hi-MD recorder) and its 200 pounds. are there any cheaper alternatives to this or is this a general price for MD players?? i want to be a player and a couple of discs and store lots of music on some of the discs and then use the others for recording. sorry if my questions are hard to understand but english is not my original lanuage. all help is appreciated. thank you.