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    only used other people's units

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  1. Wow! I just listened to the MP3. Very telling. It didn't occur to me that walking around with the DR-1 would do that. It was limiting like crazy. Reminded me of the AGC on those old shoebox cassette recorders back in the day. What happens if you do the same thing with the Sony?
  2. Yes, that's true, you did mention that. I was just being hopeful that maybe you were reversing yourself after the upgrade, but apparently not. That's ok. Clarification is always welcome. I can only buy one or the other, so this was invaluable advice. I really appreciate it. I'll be using it in a wide variety of situations, none of which I'll have any real control over. Some will be press conference sound bites, some will be at trade show booths, and some will be concert reviews. Versatility is key for me, and it sounds like the only real choice is the Sony.
  3. Totally tubular, jaeger28! Guitarfxr, thank you SO MUCH for this long and detailed thread about the DR-1. I have enjoyed every word, and listened to all the sound bites. I have had such paralysis of analysis trying to decide to buy the DR-1 or the Sony PCM-D50. I didn't want to shell out the extra money for the Sony, and now it looks like I don't have to. I was originally crestfallen when you said the DR-1 was not a good choice for recordists, but it sounds like with the firmware update in low gain setting, have redeemed its Mic1/internal virtue in that area based on your last post. What are your thoughts about that?
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