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Everything posted by gicos

  1. I am on the fence about whether to wait for the DR2 or not. A few answers to questions will help me make up my mind. I have been watching this thread closely and what a great thing it has been. If only we could get this kind of detailed information on everything we buy! I am a professional trumpeter, so portability is paramount. I don't care for/can't usually carry around a huge bag of goodies. 1. Does the metronome have a small speaker, or does it have to be piped through phones? I need nothing from a metronome except to be able to drop it on the stand and get a straight click. 2. Does the tuner accept input from built in mic, or does one have to be plugged in? (1 and 2 caused me to shy away from a Yamaha Silent Brass effects box.) 3. How is the headphone amp. I know this is geared as a a recorder, but would an audiophile need an external DAC/headphone amp to get high quality playback? I'm just goofy enough to carry it around as an Ipod, too 4. I've deduced from reading this thread several times that a 26dB preamp and reduced noise floor would be hardware improvements hoped for the next model. Any other recommendations on the hardware side? It's not beyond me to hire an electrical engineer to do a little tweaking before I put the unit to use. Thanks much for any input. Obviously, this recorder is a big deal to musicians and I am so thankful that Tascam decided to target our crowd.
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