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  1. hi guys been waiting for this hack for a while now as i posted a question about what seemed like dropouts in the music, so it turned out it was just a limiter on the volume was a bit scary though as there where a few numbers and letters in front of the code that where counting down, it worked out in the end though cheers guys
  2. no it does it all the time don't remember it doing it when i first got it though ill keep looking thanks for the reply though
  3. not long got this after getting fed up with rubbish mp3 the sound is great apart from one thing when the volume goes over 2/3's of the way up the sound drops of when there is a loud passage of music i dont have volume limiter on but it still drops the volume anyone else get this cheers steve
  4. cheers peeps for the replies had trouble loggin on sorted now got senns cx300 just starting to come into there own
  5. cheers been looking at those along with a few more cx 500 titanium cx95 style sony mdr ex90lp its very confusing there's not that many places where i live that you can try before you buy either which makes it a suck and see
  6. hi everyone my first post on here and im on the sponge lol JUST for info though just got back into md as im fed up with rubbish mp3 players so i have a new mz-rh1 FANTASTIC bit of kit when played through the home hi-fi but the u/s phones that come with it sound tat, what in ear phones are recommended i have around £100 to spend i like detailed hi's and smooth deep low's thanks in advance steve
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