I have had my NWA3000 since April, and have been using the Connect Software supplied with it, upgrading when necessary. As we all know, Connect is clunky, slow and tempramental. This has not caused me major problems as some users have found, just inconvience due to the software's bad design, and it's slow speed. I have now downloaded SonicStage CP 4.0, which should support the NWA3000 and it's various features. However, I am not sure whether to transfer my library to this software now for the following reasons: The Sony website advises that I delete all music from my MP3 player before using it's transfer tool to migrate my library from Connect to SonicStage. This makes me nervous. Can anybody tell me if the the transfer keeps a record of the existing play history in SonicStage? One of the features I quite like is the top 100, and I don't want this to have to be built up from scratch again. Another concern I have is that having had a quick look at SonicStage after I downloaded it, it doesn't look too great anyway. Is it easier to use than Connect, or am I better off sticking with what I know already? Are there other problems in using the NWA3000 with SonicStage, for example, is the walkman's performance adversly affected? Has anybody undertaken a similar transfer, and if so, did it take long, and were there any problems. Your help would be much appreciated.